Gameday Aug 13th


Since it is solid now, here is my finished post.

Name: Events with the gate of gold
Where: Hamlen park
When:Aug 13th (Sunday) 11-5+
Level cap:None

Once again the gate of gold has become active and the players seek to discover why it is here and what it means to their fair town. Will they learn the secret of the dieing jungle, or will they end the curse of eternal life?

If you have any particuler questions feel free to PM me, but come one and come all.

Note, as always I need as many NPCs as I can get, and if you plan to NPC try and show up right on time or a little before so you can help with setup and get a chance to read your cards.
i dont think i will be able to make it, i have to work sunday night.
Re-try missing link

Here's the link.

In my opinion...

I think everyone should go to the gameday, because I finally made it home and will be going and I would like to see as many people as possible before I move to England in the fall (that's 3 study abroads back-to-back-to-back) and I wont be at the next gameday because I'll be out of town. So, yeah, that's my opinion.

Welcome home

sorry I wont be at game day
since I have a broken foot and had oral surgery last wensday

wish I could say HI
