Gameday question.


So is the next gameday the 28th of oct? If so is it my gameday? (I am not sure where the numbers fall after the event, but I like a week heads up time anyway:). thanks.
I don't suppose there was confirmation for Kauss? I would be very much obliged if there was a schedule that was posted.

And if we are going by the "every other weekend" rule then 10/28 would be the next gameday. Whether or not you guys actually have it that weekend is a mystery to me. :) If you want more people to show up to the game days I would recommend at least a tentative schedule so people can at least plan to go and check back here to see if it has been canceled or not.

Anyway, I would really like to know more about the game days! :D
Also, notifying the plot person who may or may not be running it at least a week in advance might not be a bad idea either. Ya know, just for preparedness sake and all.
Nov 18, not Nov 11. And it is up to Bond as to final disposition of who is running the plot and the location. The schedule which is posted is tentative places with actual dates.