Gameday question

Hey guys!

I haven't been to a full on game day in a really long time, I read what has already been posted about the one that's coming up, but I was wondering what the approximate "game end" time is going to be?

Phil B.
The game days run from 2-4 hours, depending on how fast the PCs chew through the mods.
Or how fast the mod chews through PCs...
I was going to try & make this one, but work called for 'All Hands On Deck' for the next 2 weeks.
prashka said:
Or how fast the mod chews through PCs...

Like a certain half-psych...ahem, aggressively minded...Gypsy sorceress would allow that to occur. :D
half-psychic? You know she is. ;D

And you never know....she might encourage such a thing... ^_^