

I know this is really really late, hence the post. If I ran a gameday this sunday, would people have tme to attend? I need people who would def attend (staff and players and NPCs alike) to post today while I am at work so i can see the lay of the land. No making a promice, but if there is a need, I will see if I can fill it.
Kauss said:
I know this is really really late, hence the post. If I ran a gameday this sunday, would people have tme to attend? I need people who would def attend (staff and players and NPCs alike) to post today while I am at work so i can see the lay of the land. No making a promice, but if there is a need, I will see if I can fill it.

I can make a gameday this sunday.
Kauss said:
I know this is really really late, hence the post. If I ran a gameday this sunday, would people have tme to attend? I need people who would def attend (staff and players and NPCs alike) to post today while I am at work so i can see the lay of the land. No making a promice, but if there is a need, I will see if I can fill it.
I can attend as an NPC... but may be under the weather. I'm fighting off a cold right now but I should be better in a day.

I can also make it as an npc and im sure i could drag jordan and james along with me and a chance of roger and steven.
Carmen and I could prolly show. She would NPC, I'm pretty sure that I would too.
No one should be there I say! This is a day when history shall be made. The New England Patriots shall become only the second team in football history to win three Superbowls in four years on this day. You should all be home glued to your tv's with nachos in one hand and a red white and blue pompon in the other like I will! (not to mention the snazzy new ball cap I got for christmas with fiber optics in it that make the Patriot's logo light up and dance!) Fie, Fie all you non-Patriots fans out there!

New England Super Fan since we drafted Doug Flutie out of BC in '84 dammit!

(personal aside: way to go, phil. I wanted to come up for that GD too :( )
since no one has said anything for a while game day is still on for tomorrow right?
Alabaster said:
since no one has said anything for a while game day is still on for tomorrow right?
Thats my understanding. I hope that the weapons, tresure,some tabbards, and packets make it there as well:)
Just a heads up, I may be running a hair late (for me) as I am bringing someone with me. I still want the dark elves and kittys to work on makeup.:)