Gamedays saterday vs gamedays sunday


So, how many of you, PCs and NPCs would be able to/willing to attend gamedays on Saturdays instead of Sundays?
I ask because 3 people who didn't attend this Sunday couldn't because they were working; it wouldn't be the 1st time I have run Saturday gamedays.
Saturdays, I don't work.

Sundays, I do.

Gamedays, I like.

Work, I don't.
Saturdays I'd be more likely to make gamedays, just cause then I can drive up really early the day of, and then either crash with someone and drive back sunday or drive back late saturday and sleep in on sunday. Not sure how often it would actually happen, but that scenario is far more likely to happen than drive up and back on sunday.
Saturday or Sundays work well for me.

Another thing which might help us all is if we could come to an agreed time of arrival.Currently, it is my understanding that we are suppose to arrive at 11:00 for logisitics, character creation, etc. all. And that modules are to start at 12:00 (noon). Does this schedule still work for everyone? I will be at the next adventure day at 11:00 if it does.

Any thoughts?
Ashe said:
Saturday or Sundays work well for me.

Another thing which might help us all is if we could come to an agreed time of arrival.Currently, it is my understanding that we are suppose to arrive at 11:00 for logisitics, character creation, etc. all. And that modules are to start at 12:00 (noon). Does this schedule still work for everyone? I will be at the next adventure day at 11:00 if it does.

Any thoughts?
Officaly it has always and forever been that way, however for some reason that doesnt seem to work.
Either day works just fine for me..though im not sure for how long, concidering if im lucky ill be adding weekends to my work scedual. Err..trying to convice the owner to let me work a 6 day work week is harder then it should be.

But a reason why I personnally dotn arrive till late is because I know that tag boxes, monster camp and such doesn't arrive till like noon-1. So why bother showing up at 11 when Ill end up standing around in the cold for another hour or so.
I dont know if thats the case, maybe person(s) taking that stuff know no one will show till late and so they've inadvertandly created eachother..I dunno.
Thats just how its always been since Ive started doing game days in Seattle.
If things can be back on track that would be awsome.
I for one would show at 11ish if i KNEW things would get rolling not to long after and that heel dragging was amiss.
I understand what your saying, however I think that if we want things to run on time we all need to make a committement and stick too it. Rather then trying to justify being late by saying that I knew so-and-so would also be late, because no matter what, it's still very disrespectful to the people who show up on time.

At the last AD I thought I was arriving 10 minutes early, not 50 minutes late. If I'd arrived a minute later I wouldn't have caught Kraus and been able to tell him my friends were coming to play.

We need to not make excuses, rather we ned to try and work together and at the same point we need to also be understanding. I.E. There are a myriad of reasons why the games start late. We all participate(d) in those reasons. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Let's pull together and do what each of us is capable of to help. As players, it's our responsibility to show up on time. If we show that we'll make the effort, perhaps the otherside will as well.

It all has to start somewhere (Sorry if that sounds preachy - it's not meant to be.)

Taltos said:
Either day works just fine for me..though im not sure for how long, concidering if im lucky ill be adding weekends to my work scedual. Err..trying to convice the owner to let me work a 6 day work week is harder then it should be.

But a reason why I personnally dotn arrive till late is because I know that tag boxes, monster camp and such doesn't arrive till like noon-1. So why bother showing up at 11 when Ill end up standing around in the cold for another hour or so.
I dont know if thats the case, maybe person(s) taking that stuff know no one will show till late and so they've inadvertandly created eachother..I dunno.
Thats just how its always been since Ive started doing game days in Seattle.
If things can be back on track that would be awsome.
I for one would show at 11ish if i KNEW things would get rolling not to long after and that heel dragging was amiss.
But see that just runs out of control. Becouse then the NPCs want to show up late becouse they know the players will take forever, and then its ok if monster camp is late, becouse people wont show up for checkin till noon and ect..
See, from what I can tell, we will Never get started on time unless I can get at least a handfull of PCs, a handfull of NPCs, monstercamp and someone to do checkin to be there at 11am. And note, it needs to be a mix of all those. I have had 5-8 players show up,and no NPCs till 12:30.. I have had 6 Npcs and one player till 12:30 as well. heck, I have even had 4+ NPC and PCs but no monster camp till 12:30.
So its not just one person, or one subset I need. I need people in general to show up at 11am so we can try and get started at noon.
Kauss said:
But see that just runs out of control. Becouse then the NPCs want to show up late becouse they know the players will take forever, and then its ok if monster camp is late, becouse people wont show up for checkin till noon and ect..
See, from what I can tell, we will Never get started on time unless I can get at least a handfull of PCs, a handfull of NPCs, monstercamp and someone to do checkin to be there at 11am. And note, it needs to be a mix of all those. I have had 5-8 players show up,and no NPCs till 12:30.. I have had 6 Npcs and one player till 12:30 as well. heck, I have even had 4+ NPC and PCs but no monster camp till 12:30.
So its not just one person, or one subset I need. I need people in general to show up at 11am so we can try and get started at noon.

well i always hate being late, so i'll try to show up on time whenver humanly and davidly for saturdays, i don't know if that'd work better than sundays for me but i'd definitely try to make it to the gamedays no matter what day they are..
Well, it sounds like if you ran saturdays youd have better luck with logistics, since Brad is head of said logistics and he is off on saturdays. I know we had this problem in Oregon about 4-5 years ago when I was running em. If we had two players and one NPC that were ready to go at the appointed time, we started game. People who were late could either try to catch up IG with whoever or they could NPC. Things smoothed out considerably after the second game like that. Just a suggestion.
Makes no never mind to me, though I've often thought Saturdays were better anyway.

Been sick enough lately without adding rainy yuck on top of it.
well that's good enough for me

i think if even two more people were able to make it on a sunday as opposed to a sunday that would nmake the gamedays even i'm all for whatever needs to happen to improve an already great time..
Additionally, I generally show up around 10:30, ready to get in make up and with the tag boxes.