Games of Chance!


Chicago Staff
Come one and all to the greatest game of chance in the land!

Win great prizes, test your strength and spend your money. For the next 22 days I will be around for all your gambling needs!

Who knows, YOU may win a brand new magical item! All are welcome!

- King of Spades
Not a real King, just a fake title, I don't want trouble
Games ov chance ya say??

Vhis haz spark me curiosity.

Now were id' put me gold.....<wanders off>
And then there was one.


Call me that sounds wrong. Call me King of Clubs.

I am 27g short of Diamonds sum, yet far ahead of Hearts abial 13 copper. I am looking to make some coin via dueling! I'll bet a gold per duel. Any takers? I'm quite the fighter!

If not, then we can just find other means.

Let me know! I know I can win this once again!

Hello Clubs,

I think you and I need to have a talk. I am sure I could do something about that bet you have running around with your other brothers. Especial since they are no longer a direct competition. Where Might I find you so we can chat?

-Apprentice Taliss
Comrades, not brothers.

We will be in touch.
