Gaming in Chi-town

So, now that I'm living up here, can anyone point me in the direction of a good tabletop game campaign that can stand one more player, or barring that a good gaming store where I might find like minded folk who could? Living in Naperville but working in Joliet, so anything in this part of the universe is greatly appreciated!
I live pretty far away, so I'm not sure you'd be too interested in commuting for one hell of a World of Darkness game. ^_^
Maxondaerth said:
So, now that I'm living up here, can anyone point me in the direction of a good tabletop game campaign that can stand one more player, or barring that a good gaming store where I might find like minded folk who could? Living in Naperville but working in Joliet, so anything in this part of the universe is greatly appreciated!

What settings are you looking for?
DnD (any edition, I've played them all except 4th but have those books via a birthday gift), Star Wars (d6 or d20, don't care), Shadowrun, etc. Or, if someone has another game they're running, I'm always willing to look at a rule set and see if it's something I wanna get into.
Well if you wanna drive you MN we are going to be forcing Dave to run a sweet Rifts campaign once the Larp season eases up a bit :D

Quit being a jerk and trying to fill my slot. well be playing once a month when I drive up there. :p


gaming is somewhat adhock here during the season but I will keep you on my shortlist for shenanigans in the fall. If your not the patient type... may I suggest inviting a few people to a game of your own making?

Paul, sounds good...we are all playing support characters :D

Choose wisely!
I miss playing DnD! Anyone coming up with a game sometime soon, I'm there! I'll ask around concerning games. What kind of games do you want, more RP or battle heavy? Do you prefer lots of puzzles, intrigue, or more simpler dungeon crawl? It'll help me in the searching process.
Vicki was trying to get a DnD going but with all the shenanigans for game its darn near impossible to get it off the ground.

I play in a D&D game on Friday nights, if you want in; send me a private message.

Well my friend Vince is running a mage game and we have a few postions up if you wish...Its at Colege of Dupage on Mondays at 7. The spots are limited and invite but I think you would do well jeff.

Thanks guys, my current work schedule is mon-fri 2:30pm-11pm though, so monday's and fridays are not so good. I fear I'll have to wait till larp season winds down and people start to look to indoor hobbies to keep them going through the frigid months of non-outdoor gaming.