Garb store


Just recently a new store opened in Salem, OR that sepecialize in Renaissance style clothing. They are new, but they said that they are going to have a armorsmith, a leathercrafter, and a seamster on staff. This has some possibility for those who lack the time or ability of making their own garb. Their prices are very resonable for a speciality shop. As soon as I get more info like name of the store and address, I will post it. I am very excited about this store.

Kevin :D
Sounds good, but since Salem Or. is a bit far to drive, I'll continue to make my own garb. One of the advantages of haveing a seamstress for a Mother, she made sure that all of her kids knew how to sew.
I got the name and address, but yet no phone number
The Black Rose
950 Commercial St. SE
Salem, OR 97302-4110
Tues - Thurs 11am to 7pm
Fri - Sat 11am to 9pm
Closed Sun - Mon

The store in this topic has been closed and will not reopen.