Gee will like this: Audit of Feds coming ... 71384.html

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, told a Massachusetts audience at a recent town hall that the House will pass legislation this fall mandating a "complete audit" of the Federal Reserve.

The bill to audit the Fed, H.R. 1207, was introduced by libertarian Fed critic Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and is backed by well over a majority of the House. Frank's comment suggests it won't just be left to languish in committee.

"I want to restrict the power of the Fed in a number of ways," said Frank in response to a question about the bill.

"They have had since 1932... the right to intervene in the economy almost whenever they" wanted to, Frank said, noting that the Fed relied on its extraordinary lending power to forward billions to financial institutions last fall. He intends to curtail that lending power, he said.

"Finally we will subject them to a complete audit," he said. "I have been working with Ron Paul, the main sponsor of that bill. He agrees that we don't want to have the audit appear as if it is influencing monetary policy, because that would be inflationary and Ron and I agree on that."

(more at the link)
Yeah, I saw this vid last night before leaving work:


I'm sure the opposition will do its best to water it down, and then attach it to some crappy legislation that I wouldn't want to pass. I won't be happy unless it goes through the House & Senate unscathed. I don't know if Obama will sign it, though. He's already stated that he wants to give the Fed more power.

At the very end he says the house will pass it probably in October. The Senate will be a big battle (S604), and that is where I suspect much of the watering down will happen, even if HR1207 makes it through untouched. Senator DeMint is the greatest ally with S604. I'm no fan of his stance on foreign policy (and a lot of other things), but you have to pick & choose your battles I guess.

We shall see.

PS--The Liberty Forest forums (formerly Ron Paul forums) had a "letter bomb" campaign this past Monday. We had close to 1,000 folks, myself included, print & mail letters to Pelosi & Frank asking to bring this bill on the floor for a vote. I'd like to think that our efforts helped a little, but who knows.