General Manager

Tom Andary

I am happy to announce that John Leino will be joining staff as our General Manager.

Lets all give him a warm welcome!
Wurd 'em up.
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm super pumped about joining the SoMI staff as GM! Here are, essentially, my roles as GM:

- Alleviate some of the work load from Tom at Events and throughout the season
- Help organize events, mod days, and additional events (BTW, a Long Event is tops on my list!)
- Grow our Chapter through increasing player base and ensuring a happy staff & player base

Please, don't hesitate to talk to me or email me ( about anything regarding our chapter. Its only through a vested interest BY all of us that SoMI will be come a better chapter FOR all of us!

See all you guys in May!!!


John!! You are the MAN!!!

Sorry, I have been a bit lax in reading the boards. This is however GREAT news. I do have a location in mind for day faires in Ann Arbor, which might be a good place to recruit. We could advertise at Get Your Game On and Vault of Midnight.

See you in a few weeks,