Getting to the heart of it all


Chicago Staff

First I wanted to say how proud I am of this community for our teamwork and comradery over the last market day. I know this conflict affected many people over the last few years, but now it is concluded. I feel relieved to have the Forsaken behind us. When I first came into Hope's Reach I was slain by Flame minutes after my arrival and my mind was filled with revenge the remaining year. So much I could see him everywhere I looked. Though, when the final battle took place Saturday and watched him fall I felt empty. The void in my heart no longer filled with revenge but filled with nothing. As I watched his last breaths I could only watch and feel pity. Almost sympathy for a once great shaman tainted.

So now I move on to greener pastures. I am inquiring about information about a catalyst known as the 'Heart of the First Forest'. For those who do not know my kins lore, the first forest is the haven for all Dryads, the essence of my people which every Dryad has a link too in some form. I heard about this catalyst and also learned it rest in an area under an intense blight. I may have found a way to remove this blight and purify the area around the 'Heart of the First Forest', however I do not know of it's location. If anyone has information surrounding this catalyst I would greatly welcome it. You can reach me by pigeon, as I normally travel around Gaden's countryside between market days.

Thank you,

I will contact you privately about this. Forest Edge is happy to provide whatever information and help that we can.

- Taloc
Thank you those for the information. As one door closes another opens.

Who care's about a door? It only goes one place. Follow the scent trails, they go so many places, Silly townies!

~ Brother Volpe
Destiny caller of the Tanamashu tribe
Wolfkin to Brotherhood of Light & the Black Wolves
Ah ken onla 'ope dhat dah firs' forest dhat we get it from be still dhere. Many dings 'appen, but sometime dhere a cost dhat neva to high. If ya need 'elp whit dhis, jus' ask.
