Ghost/Scary Story Contest Rules. For All Hollow's Eve Dinner


Ghost/ Scary Story Contest Rules.

Stories will be judge on three categories: scariness, entertainment, creativity.

First prize: a choice of magic item from a select group of items OR a Living Metal Shield made by Master Smith Sheriff Draco Ardel

Second prize: A token that entitles the recipient to free drinks at each gathering for the next year from the Flaming Skull (for personal use only and excludes Bottle service)

  1. 5 minute maximum per story. One Story per person for judging.

  2. No casting of Magic, activation of Magic items and use Alchemy to influence judging and guests.

  3. The use of music is allows.

  4. Props are permitted as long as they don't directly interact with the guests (music withstanding)

    (all rule are subject to change before the contest begins. Please see posted rule in Flaming Skull for final rules)
Hey Aramis! It's Silp!

I won't be there 'cause I got some other stuff I need to be doin', but can I still ask what a livin' metal shield is? I mean, normal metal shields are pretty gross, so one that's also alive sounds pretty horrible!

~ Silp
Worry not, Silp. The metal is not actually living, merely a reactive, mercurial substance. Also the shield is not entirely living metal, it is merely strengthened with it. The material allows a blow or spell intended to destroy or shatter the shield to be reflected back against the attacker.

May your Hearthfire burn eternal, and your tankard endless!

~Sheriff Draco Ardel