Git Off O' Our Turf!

Ey you stinkin advenchrers,

Ya'll been busy dese las few monts comin' up and messin' 'round wit our night watch! I dunno why ya'll keep runnin' up tru mah land an killin' mah trolls, but I'm sickovit! Doncha got nothin' better ta do dan kill trolls all night?

Ya fool me once, yer stupid. Ya fool me twice yer stupider. Try da tird time, yer dead. Git out an stay out er else I'll come over dere an beat ya'll 'till ya wake up in a circle, dat'll lern ya ta come ta troll turf. Don't be spectin' no easy fight neither, doze udder guards ain't comin' back, I'm settin' da good guys on da night watch now! De'll mess ya up real good!

Dis is yer las warnin'!

Warlord Grash
So your best guys will be out on the road, leaving your main camp defenseless with bad fighter trolls? Yeah, you sure fooled us. You win all the money. Please, please, send your best to stand on the road and leave your weak at your camp. You are smart. Good job Warlord Crash. You will be in power forever with that attitude. Also learn to speak better, it's embarrassing. You should be embarrassed.

You have been stop being a bad Warlord.

If yer trying to scare people you should whine less and threaten more. Take some pride in yer work.

Warlord Grash,

I haven't killed something that bleeds in a while. Where might I find you?

Fern Woods
I tink dat ya'll don't understand. Da stupid ones is ya'll! Nobodys comin' inta troll turf no more! Anehone in da troll turf who ain't trolly's gettin' dere head removed. Ya dumb advenchrers got no sensa brains, too stupid ta tink 'bout whats gonna happen when da trolls strike back. We're gonna find out what's so intrestin' up here dat ya'll keep invadin' us fer. Den maybe we take it fer ourselves. If da advenchrers like it, it's gotta be good.

Vermouth - Yer name sure is tellin' you sure gotta big mouth. I betchu dat ya couldn't get anehwhere close ta da camp, an if ya did, you'd get killed 'fore ya could speak a word. I got more trolls den ya can tink 'bout, plenty ta crush yer stupid skull in while still pretectin' mah turf!

Gronk - Maybe ya didn't get da message, I'll speak it better fer ya: STAY OFF'A OUR TURF, ERELSE I'LL RIP YER STUPID THROAT OUT'N FEED IT TA YER BIG MOUTH FRIEND!

Fern - Maybe ya can save meh ta work o' dealin wit yer stupid friends and kill dem. I'm sure dey got plenty o' blood ta suffice yer stupid thirst. Den if you wanna find me, you and yer dumb friends can come and get slaughtered by us. Seems like ya'll already know where I'm at.

Try me further, I promise ye'll regret it!

Warlord Grash

When I kill you, because that's what I'll do, do I become new Troll Warlord? Ohh, another question how are you able to regenerate? When I beat you, can I use some of your blood for alchemy to see if I can learn ways to make it work on other people? Scratch that, I don't need to ask, since you'll be dead and all. Also, you don't own any territory, you live in within Gaden, so, unless King Talon gave you land, you're just a land stealer, false claimery guy. Also, GRONK could beat you easily, actually Leon could beat you easily, wait, even Zen and Bethanne could. I would have mentioned Fiona, but that would of embarrassed you because she's the best fighter out of all of us. Oh, and Kuyak could take you. Oh and Johnathon, but he hasn't been around a lot. Oh, the spiderkin could to, but she's creepy, but she could still beat you.

Also, when I do become next Warlord, do you get paid at all? I don't want to do it if there isn't money involved because that seems like a poor business venture. I want to thank you in advance for giving me the opportunity to become Warlord of your Trolls. You're really nice to give up a cool title like that.

Also it's pronounced Ver-Mooth, ooooth, not Ver-Mouth. If you've ever had the good drink you'd know how to say it! Ver-moooth, one more time Ver-er-Moo-ooth; got it!

- Vermouth

Also even Vermouth could easily beat you in combat, and I don't normally talk in third person!

I am looking somewhere fur yu....
Ah heelow Warlard Rash!
It iz a pleasure to be meeting me.
I will be seeing you soon.
And maybe you will be seeing me to... maybe.

Can ve please stop taunting and arguing vith things dhet vant to kill us? It vill do no von any good.
