Alliance SoMI
Announcing the Inaugural
Alliance SoMI Give Back Day
Saturday April 29th
Start Time TBD
Cedar Lake Camp
2500 Pierce Rd
Chelsea, MI 48118
Alliance SoMI Give Back Day
Saturday April 29th
Start Time TBD
Cedar Lake Camp
2500 Pierce Rd
Chelsea, MI 48118
For many years we've been fortunate to have a great relationship with the Camp Directors at our Chelsea Site and this year they've asked us if we'd be interested in helping get the camp into shape for the 2017 season.
We think this is a great chance for us to support the MUCC, make the camp a better place to play, and to spend more time together as an organization. We also know that people have busy lives, so we're willing to incentivize your attendance.
Everyone who comes out to the work day will receive a special package of benefits that will only be available for participating in that day. This package will include:
- Goblin Stamps,
- Unique In and Out of Game benefits,
- Chances to receive Dragon Stamps, and
- Roll(s) on a Special Rewards Chart that Plot is creating just for the Give Back Day.
Much of the work to be done is fairly standard clean up around the cabins and paths but there is also some interest in building additional bunk beds and other improvement projects if people have the skills to assist.
If you are coming out, please let us know by emailing Logistics ( so that we have a head count and can start planning projects.
If you have experience with carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and/or painting (or any other skills you think are relevant) make sure to include that information.
Additional reminders:
- Our first event is a 1-day at Proud Lake State Park on March 18th
- Season Pass Packages are still available
- Micro IBGA Opportunities are available to let Plot know what your Character is doing over the Winter