

So, it's not uncommon for people to wear glasses at event, but I'm curious about something for immersion reasons. I have a pair of prescription polarized sunglasses that really help me when it's bright out. My standard pair currently darken when exposed to bright light, but they don't nearly cut glare or light to the level of my sunglasses.

So, here's my question. I can tough it out with my normal glasses during brighter events, but if people would be comfortable with it, I'll start swapping between them. But if people are like, "I'd prefer if you didn't," I won't.

Personally, it does not bother me. But that may also be tied to the fact that I know people that have light sensitivity issues (ie: they will get massive migraines if out in bright sunlight for more than 5-10 minutes without heavy tint glasses on).
Skoll Wolfrun said:
Personally, it does not bother me. But that may also be tied to the fact that I know people that have light sensitivity issues (ie: they will get massive migraines if out in bright sunlight for more than 5-10 minutes without heavy tint glasses on).

That's exactly the reason I got transitional lenses, actually, which are strong enough to let me tolerate bright light without terrible adverse issues, though it can still be uncomfortable at times. That being said, I'd definitely prefer to wear my sunglasses, but not at the cost of other players' immersion in the game (especially after we've taken steps to increase that immersion, via the Deco team).
If light gets bad enough, I'll wear mine. I don't see it as any more inhibitive of the atmosphere in game than wearing regular glasses, having people with braces, or anything else that manages to crop up, but that's my $0.02...
Evan, there's immersion and then there's the needs of the bodies that are involved in that immersion. Now if you were carrying around something a little more unwieldy like... an IV or an oxygen tank, first, I'd wonder why you were playing and second, that would ruin immersion more than some color changing lenses. Go with needs before you go with the game. Don't "tough it out" -- that just gets you to have problems with vision a little sooner than you should, so take care of your eyes.

Besides, it's not like it helps you throw earth storms any better than before. Zing!
Personally, I view obvious anachronisms (that are not props) as components required to support Safety of the player.

If you get severe headaches and anachronistic sunglasses provide relief, then I would categorize that as a Safety concern and not be bothered by the anachronism.
(I can relate to this as bright light really hurts my brain as well)

If you are wearing sunglasses because they are more convenient (which sounds like it isn't the case if you are taking off the prescription glasses), then I would probably raise an eyebrow at the unnecessary anachronism.

If the glasses do not look that anachronistic then there isn't a problem in the first place. :) My 2 cents.
Look at old pictures of Andy who played Marcus, he wore them all the time because that is the glasses he owned.
Heh, I was considering a set of "light blinders" if I ever play a DElf or Dwarf. Makes me wonder if I could get them made as eyecaps that would fit the fantasy vein of the game. Big costuming outlay if I could.

That said, light sensitivity is a real thing, if you need sunglasses for it, wear sunglasses. It's no less immersion breaking than someone wearing actual glasses in my opinion, and we have plenty of people who do that.