Goat Eye Contacts


Looking to make a ramkin and I was looking for some goat or ram-eye contacts to make the distinction between Satyr more clear.

Any other ideas to make it more clear? The difference between "goat man" and "goat man" is a little hazy it seems.
I'd say as long as it was more uniform over your body, as opposed to lower half goat +horns, it should be pretty clear. Also, anybody who knows the rules knows you can't be a satyr, so won't think that.
I looked into a pair a bit back and I all I could find was some that ran a few hundred and the site might have been old and no longer valid...but if you do find a pair post here....Im still looking to pick up a pair...

Matt K.
The description on the satyr king card says fuzzy lower legs, and jeweled horns and eyes. I'd say stay away from faceted things on your face and horns, and make sure your costuming includes something to rep fur on your torso and arms, and some sort of facial prosthetic or paint.

Kyn aren't half animal/half human, they're anthropomorphisized animals. They walk and talk and are shaped like people... if you watch Grimm, think of the wesen when they're in their not-human form.
Oh yeah, I knew bout the anthropomorphism etc, I'm also just not a fan of any of the goat facial prosthetic out there right now.

Also, goat eye contacts would look AWESOME.