Gob'Blingy find magic market

Hello... anybodez der? Hey! Me confuzed. Me think me go ta Horn's End but me pop out da wrong hole. Never happin before. Stoopid dagger! Mabe dagger is broken? Don know, but anywayz der is big dark market here, wit da magic circles. They call it the Marketplace of da Grand Vizer... ooh. Dey lots of strange-looking peoples buyin and sellin. Dey not get mad at da Gob'Blingy and dey not yell at da Gob'Blingy to "Get gone filthy Goblin!" Dey jus laugh at da Gob'Blingy fer seling only fer da Copper. Heh! Dey not know secret of not getting rolled me tinks. Me waits here fer da people who know da Gob'Blingy and know that he sells da good stuff fer da right amont a da Copper. If'n you gots da Copper, I gots da Gear.

Lucky for Goblingy he came to tda place with da money, dey gotz all kindza crazy stuff here! The Vizer is made of gold! Magic Circle everywhere. Magic Stuff for sale. Awk-shun for this. Awkshun for that...

Hello Gob'Blingy. It's good to hear your voice again. It has been too long since I last saw you. I don't know if you'll remember me or not, but I am the little elf with the "funny clothes" who was traveling with the Dark Elf Keres. We gave you a bunch of handfulls of copper last time we saw you. You'll be proud of me too. I've been collecting copper for years just for you. How is Vrog? Last I knew he was going to try and work for you. Hopefully he hasn't gotten stuck in anymore Mercury Golems. I am sorry, but I don't know where you are. The mists can be mean like that. That is the same way I first came to Horns End. I'll do my best to try and find you. I know it can be scary not knowing where you are. Keep your coppers safe.

byersmatthew said:
Hello... anybodez der? Hey! Me confuzed. Me think me go ta Horn's End but me pop out da wrong hole. Never happin before. Stoopid dagger! Mabe dagger is broken? Don know, but anywayz der is big dark market here, wit da magic circles. They call it the Marketplace of da Grand Vizer... ooh. Dey lots of strange-looking peoples buyin and sellin. Dey not get mad at da Gob'Blingy and dey not yell at da Gob'Blingy to "Get gone filthy Goblin!" Dey jus laugh at da Gob'Blingy fer seling only fer da Copper. Heh! Dey not know secret of not getting rolled me tinks. Me waits here fer da people who know da Gob'Blingy and know that he sells da good stuff fer da right amont a da Copper. If'n you gots da Copper, I gots da Gear.

Lucky for Goblingy he came to tda place with da money, dey gotz all kindza crazy stuff here! The Vizer is made of gold! Magic Circle everywhere. Magic Stuff for sale. Awk-shun for this. Awkshun for that...


Hey Gob'Blingy,

I got copper for you... if you got the gear...

Oh nye! Go'blingy is to be in town?! Ah! Vhy do I have to miss!?

He is like dhe ice cream man except instead of exotic frozen treats he has other awesome things!

But TERRIBLE wine! *shudder*

Best travels, mi compadre!

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon
Jezebel said:
Hello Gob'Blingy. It's good to hear your voice again. It has been too long since I last saw you. I don't know if you'll remember me or not, but I am the little elf with the "funny clothes" who was traveling with the Dark Elf Keres. We gave you a bunch of handfulls of copper last time we saw you. You'll be proud of me too. I've been collecting copper for years just for you. How is Vrog? Last I knew he was going to try and work for you. Hopefully he hasn't gotten stuck in anymore Mercury Golems. I am sorry, but I don't know where you are. The mists can be mean like that. That is the same way I first came to Horns End. I'll do my best to try and find you. I know it can be scary not knowing where you are. Keep your coppers safe.


Sunny Sunny,

How you be doin? Nope, da Vrog not work for da Gob'Blingy no mores, he loves da silver an da gold too much fer me. But I happy to hear you gots da Copper for da Gob'Blingy, I give you da gear fer it an I gives da Copper a good home.
