Goblin Stamp opportunity - Prep Nights


As many now alot of our staff members meet a couple of evenings the week of an event to prep the loot, cards and other things needed for our events. These nights at held at my house (center of logistics up till game day) in Prior Lake

For this next event we'll be having prep nights on Tuesday the 16th and Thursday the 18th starting at 6 pm, usually going until about 9-10. Please let me know if you are coming so we have an idea (really more then 5 starts getting crowded after all)

Soda and Snacks are generally provided
Hey dave,
I'll be coming to one of these like we talked about at the fight practice. I'll try to figure out which one would work better in the next day or two.
I can make both days. See you there :)
I will of course be in attendance for both nights :-)