Good deed, Karma, Reward, good deed?


Ok so driving home today after picking up my daughter at elementary school. I see a old dodge truck pulled over, no driver. I recognize the truck as a neighbor of mine who lives 2 house down. Now this truck is covered in "keep honking, im reloading", "Wolfpack 4 life!", and "Some cartoon charcater pissing on a FORD emblem"... also two tone paint green and rust....

Driving about a mile to my house. I see the Larry the Cable look a like, with his WWE DX hat on. I drop off my daughter and then back out, go to the guy and ask him whats up. Hes out of gas, and broke..... I get a gas tank drive to the gas station give him 3 gallons of gas... Here is were it gets weird........

The lotto in Ct. is highest its ever been, 5.8million. I have been playing the same $16 worth of numbers since this new series started (about 5 weeks). Before i picked up my daughter i got my lotto tickets and bought $4 more worth. So i got 20 tickets..

Anyway at the gas station some little old lady... I mean old, carrying a tree branch walking stick. Ask for directions, i give it to her and then she tries to give me $1...... I tell her thats not required, she demands i take it, i say no, she says ok ill drop it here on the ground. As i pick it up, shes gives me a smile and walks away.

So I go in and buy a lotto ticket with it. This email is just a pre-celebration email.. As Tomorow night (friday) I will win 5.8 million... At which point i will smash my cell phone, and higher a midget to be my personal assistant.

My only dilemma is this... When i win... How much is my neighbor entitled to? After all if not for him, I would not of been at the gas station, but then again maybe the lady would never have been there either... Anyway. Is he entitled to anything? I mean he didnt even pump the gas i gave him. I start off with a New Truck for him....

the council says, it matters not. give 1 million to Faireplay for renovations to the site. HQ's sh*t is about to get real yo. Hong van tran!
Ithica said:
and higher a midget to be my personal assistant.


Yes Master, you called? I wouldn't want you to hurt your self so I will smash the cell for you.

Toddy I think buying him a new truck would be enough. While 5.8m sounds like a lot if its anything like the NY lotto and you go with the lump sum you get half (2.9m), then taxed about 30% and that leaves you with about 2 mil. I am sure that you would want to buy a new home your you and your children and probably help out your parents (at least I would, they sacrificed enough) and I am sure a good home in CT would run you about 400k, give or take. So yea...a new truck would do fine, your "personal assistant" on the other hand would need more because I'm in the market for a new house ;)
Gilwing said:
Ithica said:
and higher a midget to be my personal assistant.


Yes Master, you called? I wouldn't want you to hurt your self so I will smash the cell for you.

Toddy I think buying him a new truck would be enough. While 5.8m sounds like a lot if its anything like the NY lotto and you go with the lump sum you get half (2.9m), then taxed about 30% and that leaves you with about 2 mil. I am sure that you would want to buy a new home your you and your children and probably help out your parents (at least I would, they sacrificed enough) and I am sure a good home in CT would run you about 400k, give or take. So yea...a new truck would do fine, your "personal assistant" on the other hand would need more because I'm in the market for a new house ;)

Dave he said he would hire a midget not a dwarf...
Ithica said:

$3 on 1 ticket, and $62 on another... WOOOOOOOOOT!

Fyi no one gets anything...


If that is thy biding master then let it be so... ;)