Got lost...


'Got lost, ene'dup i' someplace calledBirch... It's t'cold there. Liked th'folks 'met, not th' weather, a' th' kobolds there're meaner.
How'd 'get back?

What direction did you start to travel, Lyscose, Xavic, and myself wil head out right away and come find you.

Sounds like you ventured out a little farther then you planned on. We will find our way there some how.

Hope to see you soon,
Fdyl I saw you there. I heard about the land you are from and it sounded quite interesting so I'm traveling there soon. Maybe I'll see you, I would have liked to talk to you maybe a bit more.

May the stars shine on your path
~ Mage Eldarion Avari
Good morning Fydl!

I'm glad to hear that you are safe. If you ended up in a different land entirely - where they do not know of Andar, for instance - you are probably best off attempting to find some mists to travel back to Andar. If you're not an experienced mist traveler, you will probably do best by focusing on a place or person that you know well from where you want to go.

I will be opening up my house in the "new" Crossroads in a few days. Do you need a place to stay should you return there in time?

Theres a new crossroads? I hope I ken find my way to where the people are at.....


Place't stay'd be nice. It's my firs'time tryin t'find a place that's not new t'me. I'll be think'n hard t'get back! Hope i'turns out okay... Mayhaps be seeing you soon!

....should not be too hard to find...wander into the mist and late fate take your hand...if you are meant to be here you will be here of that do not doubt...

And yes... there is a crossroads...see you soon...