Grade the Tournament event!

Grade the event

  • A+

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • A

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • A-

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • B+

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • B

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gawd, I feel like maybe I'm being cheesy 'cuz I'm always rating the events so high, but, I really, really enjoyed this event!


To learn why, read my Favorites!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Why? Everything! The tireless efforts of an understaffed Monster Camp! The incredible work everyone put in to their attire for the Ball! The camaraderie and good sportsmanship during the events of the Tourney!! My team, I love being a part of the Vex Squad and rolling with everyone on it. Completely forgetting about the prize of Duchess' Champion and actually receiving it, holy crap, that made me feel like a million gold.

Thank you HQ, I love you!

Justin Coggin

Jesse Grabowski is one of the most professional Alliance Staffers that I know. Mike V and Mike S do a great job of running the Tournament itself. Look at all the people who came and pced. Had some people jump the fence and add to the awesome. The outfits for the ball and colors added to the atmosphere. People role-played their PCs like crazy. Scott chased me through a ravine trying to disarm the hand I was eating, lol. I came away with great stories to tell and retell.

The only downers for me was Koshi permanently dying and when Ragnars Spirit Farewell was over. It is like a series continuing without two of your favorite characters in it anymore. Luckily all the characters that Will and Mike play are excellent.

Oh yeah being on a winning tournament team for the first time. YAY!

I gave the event an A.

The only things that stopped it from getting an A+ were...

the trivia competition. The only thing I could find to do was to complain about it to Jesse's hobling. If an NPC had organized a card game or almost anything else... So have a trivia contest if you must, but offer a clear alternative.

I loved the crafters' competition but since the weaponsmithing / armorsmithing started 2.5 hours late I missed going out to dinner with my friends.

Also there was some confusion about the rules for the crafters' competition. Like OOG I was told I couldn't enter a song unless I wrote both the words and music. Then people entered stuff that wasn't original. The more singers the better so I think you should be allowed to enter stuff other people wrote. Maybe make 2 categories or something.

And I was a little disappointed that the winning entry in the cooking competition came in tinfoil and plastic. A little disappointed by all the plastic gatorade and water bottles.

I also noticed a lot of charging this event and fake headshots. For example I saw someone duck into a headshot. I saw someone go to block and have their own sword hit them in the face. Now call a hold if you're hurt, but don't call it a headshot - take the damage. And like I said, charging is becoming way too common.
I gave it a B.

Mostly im just not "that into" tournament as an event overall. And it didnt help my team disentigrated at the last minute due to no shows.

I think there should have been a bit more for people to have been able to do if they werent on tournament (or if they wanted to escape tourney lol).. but then again it IS tournament...

Of coursed loved the ball. Thats what I live for. Except it was just too hot to truly enjoy it. Need to keep the tourney on a cooler month.

My biggest issue was while I know we want ig atmosphere, Mike V should have allowed the big gatorade jug to remain on the counter so people could stay hydrated. There was really no access to any means to get tankards or whatnot and people HAD to keep drinking to stay hydrated. I think some oog concerns for peoples health should ovverride the overwhelming drive to maintain a perfect period atmosphere. Even putting the jug on a chair BEHIND the bar to hide it from public view but keeping it available for pcs consumption would be a doable solution.

But as always I have fun, with my friends, so I always find nero enjoyable.

IMHO an owner might want to spring for a Good Wine barrel with a tap and just fill it with some water or Gateraid (ick)
I know they can run $300+ but I think it is a wise investment
Frank Wiccan said:
IMHO an owner might want to spring for a Good Wine barrel with a tap and just fill it with some water or Gateraid (ick)
I know they can run $300+ but I think it is a wise investment

I agree good idea!
Robb Graves said:
or find one you like, and ask for donations so we can get gobbies and they don't HAVE to pay for it. even wiser!

So get right on that Rob
We don't have that much money, guys. Don't think that we're rolling in dough here. Each of us owners of Faire Play have already kicked in many thousands of our own bucks and are pouring back every cent we get from events back into the site. Building more walls, stairs to the town from the tavern, adding more electrical outlets, fixing the basement for moduling and so on all cost money, and you may be surprised how far $300 can go. I'd rather see some new private rooms than a barrel in the tavern, really.

Now if someone wanted to donate such a thing, it would be great!
which is why i said, show me where one exists and we can start collecting money for it. i see how much work the owners have put into the site. i don't want them to have to pay extra for anything if we as the supporting community can help it. someone find one somewhere, lets get a cost together, and we can set up like a pay pal collection or something.
Could we just make a cool looking wood case for the water thing to get placed into then used. then we could still pull it out and clean it really easy.

Ironleaf said:
Could we just make a cool looking wood case for the water thing to get placed into then used. then we could still pull it out and clean it really easy.


Get a barren and plug a hole so the plastic spout can stick though
thats a thought too.
I gave the event an A. I dont do that often. Plot and staff did more with less than I could EVER do. The tourney was exciting, and was executed in a fun way. The ball was amazing, and I actualy can't wait till the next one.

My opinon might be biasd as well, because I was rewarded this weekend for a few years of plot chasing with the single coolest mod of my Alliance career. I was so worried about being "plot screwed" for riding this plot so close to the edge, and instead found myself looking the fool for not having complete trust in this plot crew. This event will be hard to top for me, because even tho I failed my moment, it was the coolest fail of all time, and the fact that this kind of moment can exist if you work hard enough, makes so much more of the game worthwhile. The awesomeness is there, you just have to find it. This event showed me that those who bust their asses to make this game happen, will always be able to do the cool thing.
I gave it a B. B's are good events though. I had fun. it wasn't the most fun ever (see thread of elements event) but that's because the amount of involvement i had and my last minute team we threw together. tents stress me out too.
I wish whoever had graded the event D+ would explain why so that their comments could be used to improve the game. If you're not comfortable publicly posting your thoughts, please send them to Mike Ventrella or Scott Kondrk or Michelle Vermonty or even me.

I don't want to have any dissatisfied customers!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
::Clears throat:: Stagnitta, Eric, but thanks :)

Seriously though, if you had such a horrible time that you feel the event was barely passable, please tell us why. I've said it before but it bears repeating: We cannot improve if we don't know what to fix.