Grazie, my friends

Since dhere is much talking going on about dhe problems wit' poor Lurin and Runir and such, I will be brief for all I wish to do is thank dhe people whose strength of character and dedication and selflessness helped us to survive dhat which went on...seems like a strange dream to me now.

First and foremost, I wish to honor dhe memory of Sable, dhe Woman of Light who gave her very essence to bring us home. Her sacrifice was dhe greatest and dhe dearest of all. May she shine fore'er.

I would like to t'ank my battle buddy dhe eldrich cannon Duriadel for standing by me even when all dhe t'ings looked dheir worst. May your ability to leave t'ings as smoking boots only get better. :D

Sae Azaka, dhe potion-maker and dear friend to all. You have helped to restore my fait' in dhe goodness and gentility of people. No matter what was going on, you were a bastion of kindness. Gracias.

Millie, I have always admired your boldness and it made me so happy to see you again. Stay out of trouble, and dhat's coming from me. :D

Kevar, if dhere was somet'ing I could say to match my gratitude for all you have done for us dhis market day, I would. Your bravery for taking upon yourself a burden you did nye ask for was unmatched. I will stand by you to any end, mi compadre.

Durl you're a genius! You do nye mind if I take dhe "Durl's souvenier game" back Nort' do you? I would like to t'ank you for never failing to cheer me up and remind me dhat dhere is always time to take.

Mi fratello, Sacha. It was nice to finally be once again in dhe company of familia. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Prophetess Elysia for her willingness to face the lines of battle to bring back the fallen from Death's Door. I thank you many times, my friend. You are very kind despite all that you go through as of late.

And Lifestorm.

Fortune And Love Forget No One,

~Doctore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
And Cerria! How I could forget, I know nye, but thank you, too. You have much promise and potential in you, mi compadre. I am lucky to have met you.


How can you forget your good friend Lurin, after late all I've done for you. Ah well I look forward to seeing you again my sweet little gypsie, perhaps in this particular case a gypsy might just be truely the cause of an undead coming back to visit.

*a gentle and hushed voice*

Lurin....Lurin you hush up now. You are dead, my friend, you are nye supposed to speak.
I told you ALL!!!!!!!

she consorts with UNDEAD!

-Josh Tatcher
Thatcher - I have an idea where your father might be kept and want to know if you are willing to aid me -- It would demand an amount of derring-do and trust on your part.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Well yeah I'll help Pa!

what do you need me to do?

Josh Tatcher
Lemme essplain what happened. Lurin vampire charmed me while I was asleep. Kevar purified me and now he's here making fun of me. "Oh I can nye WAIT to see you Marcey." We were friends when him was alive. I am sorry to have lost him. We are all sorry to have lost him and I just want him to find him sleep. :cry:

~Doctore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi

Why do you have to steal my glory? :D It is true, Jehan was the one who purified you. I was merely the one you knew that you were under a vampire charm.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Last Standard Bearer of the Order of the Earthen Fist.

You will serve. As all the other members of the order. You will serve. We will break your will and your body. When you have lost what little will power you have you will serve. You cannot stop us. Who would you look to for protection? Kevar? I remember that you were important to him once. All the more reason you should be brought before the master, in a broken husk that once was your body.

Master at arms of the O.E.F.
No, we both know why you made that mistake don't we. You've spread a very foul rumor about me and I've been allowing you to do so for a while but as you spread that filth onto my brothers and sister I find myself forced to speak up. Slander me all you want and I'll have my actions stand for themselves, but I ask you not to drag your feelings of shame turned to vinegar for me against them.

Jehan Wyldweaver
Lifestorm BigBrother.

I would recommend that you settle this dispute with the gypsy. Perhaps you could round up a posse and push her to the edge of your fair town.... Into the dark woods and wild places from whence she came. You know of her wrongs as well as everyone else. I can almost guarantee that you would have no problems from a rumor spreading gypsy like her again......

Master at arms of the O.E.F.
What are you talking about, Jehan? Since his was the last face I remember seeing before I went back to sleep, who was I to contest? Or can you nye live wit'out dhat one small t'ing credited to you too and more of our eternal gratitude? Mayhap I can pay you back with some of the copper from my dental work or a bit o' the gold from my heart?

And shut up, are dead and dhe dead do nye speak!

As you well know we do speak, with this speech I say to you. You will be brought home.

Master at arms of the Order of the Earthen Fist
I don't much care about thanks for purifying you I did it for the town's safety and would do the same for anyone. I was correcting your mistake.

Aye...umm...sorry for being unconscious, getting vampire charmed, and while unconscious nye knowing exactly who purified me....ummm...aye...can we move on to more pertinant things?

So how about dhose vampires? I liked them both while they were alive, now the little one seems sort of racist. But dhen again he could nye bring himself to call me "Marcey" while he was alive eit'er, so what matter?

Have dhey announced who dhere master is, yet and said somet'ing about him greatness and how he shall ne'er be stopped and so fourth?


You know who we serve, only you have met him and survived to speak of it. Do not play the fool. You will return home.

Master at arms of the Order of the Earthen Fist

Shut Up!!!! If your master is as great and powerful as he says then he should show himself. Until then let the Hero sit in his tower. For a man who once stood for the Earth you have fallen. Our regent and the rest of Briarpass will not stand idly by as we did with Quassim. Come with your undead. I am not afraid.

Liddia FallingStar