Great Event

Rezzik (NWC)

Traverse City Staff
Thank you everyone for the great event. :thumbsup: I had a fantastic time, and there was no shortage of plots going on. My ride left early Sunday morning so I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, but I look forward to seeing a lot of you in August.
Great event all around. This event was the most fun I have had as a runner/staff guy thus far. Thanks to all the PCs for being proactive and throwing monkey wrenches in our plans. ("Eek, a Revenant. TO KRAELORE'S!!!)

Big thanks to all the PC's who rolled with the Double hooks, or took time out of PC-ing to help make the game great for eveyone by donning the black for a bit. I am sure our NPC core appreciated it immensely.

I hope everyone keeps the momentum going into our Big 3 day event in Sept! New Campsite!!

Fantastic event everyone! There was always stuff going on and plots to be had! Even though I wasnt fully involved in some of the plots of the weekend, I still went on a ton of mods and had a really great time! Here are some other thanks I want to give to people:

NPCs: I want to thank Joe for constantly running mods on Friday / Saturday. I dont think I saw you (and your crew of NPCs) slow down at all on Saturday despite the heat and lack of sleep! BIG THANKS! I want to throw some mad props to Tank and Asa for always being available to get into indepth plot converstations! Much appreciated! I also wanted to thank Mara and our new NPC James! You guys were INTENSE all weekend and ALL OF US really appreciate your efforts to show us a good time! THANK YOU!!

PCs: I wanted to thank all the PCs for making a solid effort to keep it in game. All weekend everyone kept conversations in-game, put in effort to decorate the tavern and the sleeping area, and kept everything oog (like pop cans) cleaned up. Lets keep it up!!

Super pumped for September! Time to fight a Dracolich!!!
