Greetings and Salutations! Come Gather Around!


Chicago Staff
(Stands on box to appear taller)

FIRST and foremost, congratulations to all adventurers for their commendable work defeating the great evils of last weekend. I wet my trousers no less than seven times as season veterans circled around me defeating lizardmen, skeletons, or tree cursed things with pants; No matter what came your way (seriously what were some of things?) I saw that NOTHING would hinder your spirit. A kudos to you, I tip my often feathered hat to you. :thumbsup:

With that said, I think we all can agree that such legendary exploits should not pass unmentioned. For shame I say! That is were Lucky and I come in!

You see my fine looking folks, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: We like you. Yes, I realize this is shocking, appalling, and possibly arousing to consider, but Lucky and I want to stop our constant moving about and settle in to this area for a spell packet or two. And as result, we need to do the jobs we were blessed since birth to do, and that's entertaining the best of the best (pssh that's you)!

My gorgeous goslings, what Lucky and I need are patrons. What is that you ask? Simple! You pledge a certain amount of coin to us as artists and depending on the amount, we (the ever talented Lucky and I) will write or sing or even perform material (as big as formal plays) for YOU. Personally. Hot damn that's awesome, right?

Here's our tentative breakdown:

1 silver: short clever limerick
5 silver: Poem about you (or another individual/thing by request)
7 silver: Song about you (or another individual/thing by request)
1 gold: Short play

As patrons, the content is negotiable. You want a nice war song to march into battle with? Done deal bucko. You want a romantic poem to woo the woman you don't have to courage to talk to? Child's play baby. Do you want an over elaborate play that implicates another audience member sitting next to you, causing them to stand up in shock, instantly confirming their guilt? Well actually that's pretty crappy detective work when you think about it, but if you really want it, WE ARE YOUR BARDS.

We are already working on content for two individuals, one of them doesn't even know it! We intend to spread the glorious tales of your adventures and some small coin would go along way to help! Any questions please ask! Thank you for your time and good night!

-Sam Gemclipper
I'm one of those individuals.

Ashnar Runebeard

It's completely true. I'm about halfway through your epic war poem. I fully intend to perform it at the next market day.

Sam Gemclipper
I will pay Lucky 5 gold to keep putting Ashnar in his place with his games of strategy or whatever.

That was hilarious to watch.

Ashnar, you keep offering to fight Durk because you love choas and are a breaker in the truest fashion. Although lets be hones Durk in the woods at night hunting you...hilarious

Okay terrifying but in the funniest way possible.

The "inner me" laughed when people saw me run between the buildings when I was berserked.

"OMG, there he goes!" Hilarious.

Good Men Sam and Lucky,

For ze long time zhe lands of Terna have veen in need of like minded folk spreading zhe tales of adventure and songs of excitement to zhe good peoples of zhe land! I have a vusiness proposal vor you gentlemen.

Should you vish to take it up, I welcome you to my personal merchant vessel, the Muddy Gipper, a week before zhe next market day as my most honored guest!

A simple Bard,
Gregory Renaldo Binks III
The Muddy Gipper iz a vine wezzel. It vill zerve all vor needz most vell.

-Durk!! Lucky happily accepts! He shall sharpen his mind over the next few moons to ensure Ashnar leaves with a headache in his this upcoming market day. Huzzah!

-Mr. Binks. I have already heard great things about your vessel. It would be an honor to come aboard!
Perfect! I vook forward to good stories, plentiful songs, and vore plentiful drink. As a vittle hint, I zhall tease with zhis 4 letter teaser... The Paragon Brave Story.

A simple tease,
Gregory Renaldo Binks III