
Hello good people of Hope's Reach. I vill be traveling to Hope's Reach around the time of zhe next market day. I have a goal vhich I believe can only be accomplished zhere. It may not be zhe best time for it, I admit, but zhis is zhe time zhat I have chosen and zhere is no better time to start than zhe present. I vould certainly velcome any help in my endeavor. I look forvard to meeting all of you.

Roy Gallentine

What is this endeavor?

Eric Marsters
Sir Marsters,

My task is von of great depth but little distinction, great hardship but little importance. I am looking to compile all zhe known data of zhe common monsters in Gaden into a single volume. I have a little general knowledge in zhis area already but I am looking for more firs' hand information. Specifically, information on zhe corrupt has been very hard to find. Since Hope's Reach is on zhe front lines, I hope that I vill have some luck in zhat area.

Roy Gallentine

Using my extensive knowledge from fighting on the front line against such a foe, I took upon the task of compiling the strengths and weaknesses of the known breeds of Corrupt, creating a booklet by the name of The Codex of Known Corruption, which you may find very informative for your efforts. I will certainly bring a copy to the upcoming market day.

I am also quite knowledgeable of the other creatures of the region, if you wish to speak of the others at some point. Corrupt are my specialty, though.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft

Let me pre-welcome you to Hope's Reach. I hope you find your visit here quite pleasant. Although I haven't written a compodeum yet, I have taken note of the various monsters strengths and weaknesses around these lands over the last year. I would be more than happy to share any of this knowledge with you upon your arrival. Though I would refer you to Gandian for anything dealing with the corrupt. Fortunately though there shouldn't be any issue with them, as we are observing The Respite at this time.

You can locate me in 1 of 2 ways:
1. Look for the moving tree that talks--that is normally a given
2. Look for the the one in bright orange and red...that isn't a female.

Warden of The Keepers of the Darkened Sun
Wait, how do you tell the sex of a Dyad? Don't you have seeds?

DracoIam said:
Wait, how do you tell the sex of a Dyad? Don't you have seeds?

...I was referring to Talitha being a female and in bright orange. But to answer your question Gorka, even plants have genders. Seeds are produced because of pollen spread in the wind across Fortanis by other plants. It is how great forest are spread across all lands, from the littlest shrub to the mighty oaks....

Even though Dryads may appear in a variety of forms, they still have a gender, despite, not associating themselves with one in particular. I wish there were more Dryads around to better show you the subtle differences, but since I have not seen Dryope in some time, I am the only one around.

You should have asked "H", at least you got to talk to him... ... ...

Also, you could always just ask the Dryad!

Sir Ravenscroft,

Zhat sounds like it vould be a great boon to my studies. I vould much like to read zhat codex and of course pick zhe brains of zhe one who wrote it. Zhe corrupt are zhe main focus of my studies at zhe moment. I vill seek you out vhen I arrive in Hope's Reach.

Sir Asher,

Your help vith zhe notes is most velcome. I have some notes of my own already but zhere are certainly holes in zhem. It saddens me zhat it is zhe respit during zhe time zhat I make zhis journey. I had hoped to vitness zhe corrupt for myself. Perhaps I vill return anozher time outside zhe respite to complete my task. Zhough, your description of yourself confuses me. Am I to be looking for a dryad in fall colors or zhis... Talitha person?

Roy Gallentine
Vell, if you are vant to be seeking Asher, I vould suggest looking for Asher, zhe Dryad.
Else you could look for me. I have no objection.
And I'm sure von of us could point you tovard zhe other if you happen to find zhe wrong von.

~Talitha Razvanna Vashti
Very good to hear zat anotzer couzin iz coming to visit... Aye look forward to meeting 'im.

Blind Seer
Ah, so zhere are ozher Romani in Hope's Reach. Superb! Lady Talitha, Lady Sparrow, I vould very much like to speak to you as vell. It has been far too long since I have have spent time with my brethren. Zhis should be a very good market day for me. I especially look forward to meeting zhe two of you!

Roy Gallentine

You need be careful you no call Sir and Lady for everyone. Those be titles for nobles (Knights and Ladies) only. Sheriff Fern correct me on that when me first come to Hopes Reach and call him Sir by accident.

-Cho Ko Nu