Greetingz and Zalutationz


Alright, zo thiz iz my first time dreaming in this vault. I have been part ov a vault in a nother land vor a couple years, and this zeems much the same yet different. What iz in fact different here iz that people are dumb enough to dream in the hall of whispers which invest people things other than the peoples namez and ofcourse the fact my race zeems to be at var just about vith nobility here.

A few thoughts. First a few vords to thiz Duke Turnsen Fellow: Your Grace you are clearly Gaje bullcrap nobility vut that iz not an insult so much as a point ov view. No Rom ever likes Gaje nobility: politics and formality are never a good match vor my kind. Our nobility lives vor us and tries to avoid the bullcrap- it comes eazy zince the Sumadj drawz uz together. Iz not your fault- our nobilty is better vor it is our family and doez not rule uz zo much as give us organization and focus. A different vay of life. Though I think vou get you seem to not be out vor blood and total ztuffy respect. Zo much as a modicum ov respect. I hope thiz mess resolvez vell. Now I have not returned to my homeland in a few yearz at this point. Prove vourself a Prick, I vill be back and ve vill not be friends. Ask around Vendetta iz like my favorite. Not a threat, just fact. But vor now...long life and good health vour Grace Robbie. Now with that said, I have been all polite zo no more formalities for this dream.

Nikkolai and Banradi- Robbie iz bullzhit gaje nobility...vut vou all started zshit to be honest. So like vou are acting like those ov our race that get uz all a bad name right now. Vou know you showed like abzolutely no respect to Robbie like vay before he got kinda hateful. Like the guy is a Duke and carries the respect of many many Gaje. To show no respect of any kind is like slapping all those people...and your arms are going to get tired, your hands blister, and like itz just not good. Now I do not think he even wanted Gaje level respect, just like a nod ov hey yup your that guy. To be repected by the bullzhit nobilty ve need to vork vith them and their subjects being inflammatory doez not help that. When a slight bow, flourish ov the hand, and a term like vour Grace every once in a while makes relations good- iz small price to pay. Good relationz equal benefitz vor our people and vor hiz people both. Now when he proves himselv a prick in addition to being bullcrap Gaje nobilty then and only then zhould respect diminish...Give it until not deserving ov it...and even then vou got to zurvive in society. Vou have escalated a zimple situation badly which could effect all our people...Vho by the way give the respect vou lack to the nobilty of Vayside...Vou know that thing called Honor makes them act with respect...not heaps ov it vut enough. Enough vo that.

Now Robbie did screw up with his comments about The Mother. Vut vou guys vay escalated first. Banradi he called vou our vor having a perniciouz zprit vhich iz a fancy vord for destructive or harmful stuff like that. Not zo much an insult az a point ov view since he was having vou punished vor a crime...vou know fix the harmful portionz of vour spirit vith the punishment. Both vou and Nikkolai do owe him an apology in my opinion and zhould give the base level ov respect- nothing extra but enough to get by...Now Robbie got to say leave The Mother out of this- good way to end up with boils, warts, and generally end up a miserable drooling sac ov puss. Vour going to apologize vor insulting her....or I vill curse vou myself. Again not a threat- just fact. Vith that zaid looks like vour already planning too- zo Good Job! Lets just avoid that next time though.

A few final thoughtz.
--Nikkolai good looking out vor your cousin and rallying to hiz side.
--Enan vou know I never thought a Lord marrying into the familia vas a good idea- vut vour tact, vour call vor reason, and attempt to bridge that gap between Rom and nobility are just a few vo the reazons over the last couple years vou continue to grow in my respect. I am glad Regan choose vou.
-- Banradi got to give vou credit a couple ov vour insultz where fantastic...good job- vhen mad vour zo much better at being eloquent than I...I just zort ov dizzolve into hatred.
--Eric nicely done building thiz place- vut vhy are there like not all the adventurers in thiz safe place. A haven in the vorld of Dream Devorers is a boon that zhould be shared. Be proud and share it! Do not horde it like zome kind of crazed King or dragon.
--Robbie vou should give out a few bottles ov good vine. Great vay to deal vith my people.
--Also good luck in sitting down and working it all out. Just live and let live. Like everyone apologize to everyone. Then move on...bad blood just leadz to zo much bad.

A few vordz vor uz all to live by: Ve all could benefit by heeding them..
My name is not my own,
It is borrowed from my ancestors,
I must return it unstained, not dirty

My honor is not my own
It is on loan from my descendants
I must give it to them unbroken. It is our bond.

Our blood is not our own,
it is a gift to generations yet unborn,
We should carry it with responsibility​

Vor those vho do not understand these vords...Know that

Truly I cringe vor those who do not understand the power of names vor it iz all our loved ones have of uz in the end,
Truly I shiver vor those who do not understand honor az it iz vhat are friends and family vill judge uz by in the end,
Truly I weep vor those who do not understand the blood vor they are truly alone in the end.

Klaive Kitaruen Kopanari Stin Svetlo Targoatian
Defender of Blood of the Romani
Son of a Seer and a Chocolatier
Brother to Murdered Sisters
Member of Shadowslight
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It is nice to hear from you and as alvayz your wisdom is appreciated. I have been in meditation since the incident and I understand your words.

I would speak with you as soon as I can on this matter but not here...

Nikkolai Christoff Asis Ravania
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Your "words to live by" speak much of your wisdom. For to simple live cares with it a responsibility to other. In the enclave where I am from, each person works in their role for the betterment of the whole. It is not about self but the community. I think while we have different points of view on somethings, as I thing the simple structured life of an enclave would not be the chosen life for the spirit of Romani (as it may be considered a yoke on personal freedom). I think we should all look to be of the greatest service and the best example of our race to all that we encounter for that betterment of the world around us all.

~Aramis Seablade
P.S. One of these day i hope share a bottle in friendship and not just correspondence by dreaming and letters.
Welcome to the once exclusive dream vault Kit.

Fredrick Crawford

If only this was as simple as that.

Unfortunately it has gotten more complicated. I will dream to you privately... Stupid politics.
