Guild Demonstration Schedule (Official Plot Sept.)

(OOG: This Letter is found posted in ALL guilds throughout Barran.)

To all who belong to the Mighty Guilds of Barran, take heed!

The upcoming Worlds Fair is soon upon us, and it is with great pleasure that we are able to announce what guilds have made strides in the last year and are ready to display their findings.

If you have membership and/or interest in a certain guild then we suggest that you be present in the tavern in Sarr-nath at the appointed time. This schedule will also highlight other important times of gather.

The times are as follows, approximately.

Opening Night
10pm Worlds Fair Opening Ceremonies by Adventurer's Guild Master Cedric Goodfellow
11pm Keynote Speech by Celestial/Arcane Mysteries Guild Master Mathias Dryer

First Day
10am Engineers Guild Demonstration by Engineers Guild Master Allen Zadok
11am Order of the Earth Demonstration by Order of the Earth Guild Mistress Keziah
2pm Celestial/Arcane Mysteries Demo by Celestial/Arcane Mysteries Guild Master Mathias Dryer
3pm Alchemy Demonstration by Apothecary Brotherhood Guild Master Henry Easton
*Break for Feast Preparation and diligent Study
9pm Blacksmith Guild Demonstration by TBD, We are sad to report a death has occurred to the Guild master who was to present. One of his apprentices shall be filling in.

Second Day
10am Hearth and Home Guild Demonstration by Hearth and Home Guild Master Johan Gustaf

2pm Closing of Worlds Fair

We here at the Council of Guilds hope to see you shortly, may you be safe in your travels.
-Guild Master Cedric Goodfellow
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