Guild masters from across Fortanis, A fellow with questions.


Greetings guildmasters and guildmistresses,

First an introduction, I am Squire Tabin Silverbough, Celestial Guildmaster (of many years) to the Bastion of the Hollow, Laerathyn. I have been charged by our most Honorable Queen, Beah of Eire to help rebuild the Royal guilds, as well as structure them so they function at their highest ability. To serve and protect the commoners as well as serve the crown and nobles. I am also seeking to rebuild my guild in the face of a plague if you will called the Withering in our lands. I am asking for aid in the way of information.

A few questions:

How much do you charge for a)Identifications b) spell crafting c) ritual casting d) items of a magical nature e) items of a non magical nature f) teaching ? ( To members and non- members alike.)
How much are your dues? How often are they collected?

I am trying to get a sense of what we all are charging and so our guild does not over/ or undercharge for goods and services. I wish to be fair but be able to bring new life to the Celestial guilds of my town and region.

Your servant and ally,
Squire Tabin Silverbough

The leaves of Imirie
Arato and guildmaster
Guardian of the endless cycle
guardian of the tree of life of Imirie
Re: Guild masters from across Fortanis, A fellow with questi

Squire Tabin,

I will give you the details of what all I know of various lands at the upcoming gather.

May the stars sine on your path,
- Mage Eldarion Avari
Member of House Solaris Southkin, Deadlands
Re: Guild masters from across Fortanis, A fellow with questi

Goodman Avari,

I appreciate your help. I am also seeking any imput from others as well. Please Guoldmasters and mistresses please respond here of privately.

Thank you for your time,
Suire Silverbough