Guild Point Standing


To all members:

Looking back on what records I have from the last two years and attempting to merge current standing with recent activity I am come up with the current baseline of points standings. If any member of the guild believes my records are in error please contact me before the last gather of the season in October.

Simon 27 (Tradesman, eligible for Promotion with Masters Thesis)
Isego 6 (Adept, eligible for Promotion to Journeyman)
Balls 5 (Initiate elidgible for Promotion to Adept)
Jadden 3 (Initiate elidgible for Promotion to Adept)
Nerion 1 (Initiate)
Raven 3 (Initiate)
Grim 1 (Initiate, inactive)
Artalon 1 (Initiate, inactive)

I will consider someone inactive if I have not heard from a member regarding the guild or at a gathering for 4 gathers. Those who are inactive will be removed from this status once they take positive action, and promotions will be considered according to points standing at that point forward.

Simon Neville
Tradesman of the Guild of Celestial and Arcane Mysteries