Gypsy looking for hospitality


Greetings all,

Once again, I find myself potentially wandering towards you and yours. I say potentially because who can tell which way my feet may actually point as they being their travels. But if I do find myself walking upon the same paths as yours in two week's time, I was hoping to find some hospitality in the area. I bring the usual travelling gift, a bottle of aged wine, and a personal tapestry to enhance the beauty of wherever I stay.

I hope that there will be Romani in the area that could offer a bed to a cousin otherwise, I would appreciate any place to lay my weary head. Although something with bars as a door might get a polite refusal.

May the forces of evil become confused upon their way to your doorstep.

Nigel Peaks
Jack of all trades, Master of one.
Sorry cousin, Triana and I won't be in the area I think you're traveling into. We've wandered some distance away to avoid the drugery of the cave hulks, and I'm afraid that in yet another mining town that there will be even more of them. If I recall, there is a common house in the town you are nearing, so you may find it easy to get lodging. I will look through my things next time the vardo is safe and stopped. I may still be able to offer you hospitality in the form of a Ward if I can find a courier headed your direction.
~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi