Had a blast at the event!


I had a great time at the event this weekend, despite the fact that my health issues limited me extremely in what I could do. I had some excellent rp and the Barbarian Necromancer battle looked like it was a lot of fun.
I also had a blast.
Very good role-playing from the NPCs all around. Madhawk's auction and the Wylderkin stood out as being particularly awesome.
I liked that the staff was flexable. I saw a few adjustments on the fly that made the mods more enjoyable, safe or well balanced (well.. at least for the ones that were *supposed* to be balanced).

Also, the barbarian necromancer fight was epic.

Last comment: I liked Cheseborough, but I don't think I would like it in the colder seasons.

Alan said:
Last comment: I liked Cheseborough, but I don't think I would like it in the colder seasons.
There's no think about it, it's a truth. ;-) That first weekend event huddled around the campfire... memories.

Oh, yeah. The event was awesome too. :D
Fun Size said:
Alan said:
Last comment: I liked Cheseborough, but I don't think I would like it in the colder seasons.
There's no think about it, it's a truth. ;-) That first weekend event huddled around the campfire... memories.

Oh, yeah. The event was awesome too. :D

Yeah, I was putting it mildly. And, wasn't that event in March?
@ jim yes it was good to see you there! thank you for the rp.
@ paul DUH its chesebrough ;)
@ plot thanks for all your hard work. I know you guys are really trying to make it better and at the very least I have seen it.
@ all the NPC's Thanks for your hard work
@ PC's thanks for all your hard work
Woot-astic game!

Things I really want to throw out:

Staff, you guys are really trying to address players' concerns. I felt that the game was interesting, with several layers to many of the plots. We saw some serious advancement, and pacing has moved forward.

NPCs, you guys are great, especially the wylderkin gather. You guys really rp'ed and made the world fulfilling. And... the Hobco auction was just awesomely good.

Players, I saw some good rp'ing out there, and some good sportsmanship in some epic and harsh battles.

Cleanup, well, bad and good.
Bad: Food was left in the kitchen, the floors weren't cleaned that as well. It wasn't so bad, but definitely things to address.

Good: At no time did I see the truly epic pile of dishes that have been the hallmark of prior games. The tavern, even with groups with cups and the like, cleaned up after themselves. It was truly appreciated.

Still, over all, the cleanup was one of the most painless I've ever seen at this site. Staff/last of the players got out by 3 or so, which is a lot better than some of the Cheeseborough events I've seen. Thanks to everyone who did their part over the weekend and at the end as well.
This was a good event for me.

Greg, Mike, Jason, Lee: That scene was awesome. More please.

The mod late saturday night was amazingly fun and really well run.

Plot folks: Thank you for all your effort in making the game feel immersive and three-dimensional. I'm looking forward to the next game already. I really appreciated the look at one of the other knightly orders, and can't wait to see more along those lines in the future.

@Doucheborough: Why so unfortunate weather in here? Seriously, though, I love the new fixtures, and while I echo the sentiment of not wanting to be there in cold months I love what they've done with the place and could really get into a couple more events there each year.

Thank you PCs and NPCs alike for all your effort. Extra props to Madhawk for the most entertaining auction I've been to yet!
@ Dan - I agree. Loved that scene and wants more of it.

@ Brandon - Nope it was April 2008 and it was the coldest April weekend on record for that area.

The Necro Bar Bar battle was GLORIOUS!!!!!!
Alan said:
Very good role-playing from the NPCs all around. Madhawk's auction and the Wylderkin stood out as being particularly awesome.

thank you thank you! the Wylderkin were fun to play. Loved how you all kept giving us things like money, scrolls, and potions. Best idle mode characters EVER!
Awesome, awesome event. Saturday was one of the best mods I've ever participated in- for all that it was incredibly cold, their was never a better night to run a creepy undead mod than that one. The fog and the moonless night were just pitch perfect.
There's something just stupid-wrong about taking double damage from a 1 point attack. :lol:

I had some good fights this weekend. Looking forward to a few more before I get to turn back to the light side of the force. :D
Inaryn said:
There's something just stupid-wrong about taking double damage from a 1 point attack. :lol:
Umm yeah I would have to agree on that.

@ Dan, Mike, Greg, Jason: for sure it was very cool and I too would love to see more scenes like that. I hope for many more of that quality.
Giggles uncontrollably... Sweee!!!!!! Most fun i have had at an event since i 1st started and i was in the dum struck awesome look of being a noob....

thanks to all the NPC's your RP and willingness to play the monsters, town folk, bad people and or bugs... both make the game able to go on but the world in side the game both realistic but truly interactive with.

this even wile a bit cold was not nearly as cold as some events i have been to, and wile the light rain Sunday mist Saturday night and overall wild cooperation of weather to plot seens...the creepy factor was atit's best as the wind stopped for cave seens fog rolled in as magistrates came in to town under attack, the sudden drop in tempecher as the group realized that they had all walked in to a big empty cave filled with dead body's magits and poo, with only one way out and no one had posted a man to watch the entrance... fog lowered for mist filled caves, sun shone for mid day RP seens and what can i say waken up to wild turkeys walking in to camp, set the event well in to the "that was just plain cool"

And to staff!!!!! thanks for yet another great event, cant wait for the next one!!!

PS, thanks warlock for getting me some personalized plot.... o and did you all ever get my back story? lol