Hail! Newbie with some inquiries.


Hello all! My name is Aster and I moved to Michigan a year or so ago. Ill be blunt; Larping has always seemed rather odd to me. I participate in HEMA and am semi-active in the SCA (currently putting together my Armored Combat League kit), have done some boffer fighting in the past, and am an avid D&D player. My only experience in an actual Larp setting was less than enjoyable, no one seemed to know what was going on, cheaters galore, and just confusion and altogether lameness. After reading the Alliance rulebook, however, I am intrigued. I've lurked the forums, watched some videos, and surprised myself by thinking "This looks like a ton of fun." So, I suppose my question is this.. How/Where/When do I start? Haha. Is there a particular member of Logistics I should get ahold of to write up a character? Thanks in advance for your time, and my apologies for the long post.

Note: I realize the combat is less than realistic in your system.. that isn't what I'm after. I want some immersion. Some REAL roleplaying, to become a character for a weekend or so. I get enough realistic fighting in my other hobbies, haha.
Hi Aster! Welcome to Alliance, and welcome to Michigan! My name is Ian, and I run logistics here in South Michigan. Our first event of the year isn't until May 15th, but you can absolutely start preparing now. If you have any questions about making your character and/or what a weekend looks like, feel free to send me an email at somilogistics@gmail.com.

I roleplay for the exact same reasons that you do. I think it's fun to be able to completely put aside your usual behaviors, personality, daily stresses, etc., and become an entirely different person for a weekend. Our plot team does a really great job in creating a world that provides that level of immersion for players.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


You can email plot@nextyearsplot.com if you have some ideas for your character and you'd like to figure out how he fits in the world we're happy to help. All of us are happy to work with you on character ideas, and help you make your first event a success.

Ian mentioned when our next event is, so you have some time. I'd recommend reading the rule book. You can download a pdf version here.

If you take a look at the donations list, you could also help yourself out by donating a few things your first event and getting your self a couple extra build points at the start.

Alliance combat isn't very realistic but, it's still pretty physical. It's a whole different art, compared to real combat. But, it's got a lot of nuances. You may enjoy it as well. But, that's certainly not a requirement.

Getting a costume together is important, it sounds like you may have some pieces from SCA, real life fighting, whatever. Armor is always a pretty solid base for a costume.

If you're not sure about character ideas, I'd pick a race and a class and work your way from there.

We have a strict anti cheating policy, and a generally awesome player base. So it's very rarely an issue.

Lastly, I'd try to make some friends prior to the event and/or bring some friends with you. Alliance (and most larps) are a very social game. Being in character alone can be fun but, it has it's limits. So you'll want to make friends.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email them to plot, or leave them here. Someone will respond.

Thank you for the replies! After a little more research, I've discovered I actually reside closer to the group in Traverse City. Your responses helped a ton, even so, and I've gotten in touch with logistics. Thanks again, and I'm sure we'll meet out there somewhere.