Happy Holidays and a few Notes


I would like to wish everyone a vary happy holidays and good start to the new year from all of the alliance-chicago staffers but most of all from Paul and I. We hope everyone finishes the year strong and enjoys themselves.

I would also like to announce that Ryan Benike is our head of plot for the 2014 season. He has learned a lot and really grown in the last couple years. Thus we look forward to what he has in store for us next year.

Next, please get in those winter IBGAs. We run a living breathing world that doesn't stop just because we have no markets currenly. If you do not recieve a response to an ibga or have any other questions or concern never hesitate to just ask. Waysidelogistics@gmail.com is the best way to contact me, and I can forward things as needed to people.

Finally we will be putting out a Players Handbook/Race Packets and regional maps by the end of January. Keep your eyes open for that info.

See you all in March...

Can't wait for March! And Congrats Ryan!!!!!! I know you will do awesome, your a great writer. Going to be a great year!