Harbors Far poem


I must admit I've been intrigued by your former way of life. It would be a wonderful way to learn about the world. learn about different cultures and histories. I'd love to hear stories, and be given any advice that would aid me on my continuing journey.

I hope you don't find it bold but I tried my had in some poetry, though its not my strength. I thought the words may bring comfort to the ache of separation, as I've been having to deal with similar feelings lately.

Harbors Far, Yet so near.
All are welcomed With out fear.
Though all perils, We endure.
Harbors Far, So near and dear.

I was able to set it to a little tune as well.

Thank you Gorka, I found it truly inspiring, made me very home sick.
I grieve for the loss of my home, but I have found this place, with all you folk, and I smile. There has been friction, I know, between some of my clan and the locals, but I have seen us work past our differences and come together, though there is still much to work on I believe we will be valuable members of our new home, and I also hope that some of you will try and understand our ways and maybe even adopt some of our traditions, as we adopt yours. We have much to learn from one another, and we will both be stronger as one then as two.

Hrumph, seems your poem indeed touched me, my High Orc friend, Gorka.

-Thorador Boulderfist

I second my dwarven friend. Your poem has much meaning to us. Thank you for thinking of us and reminding us of our home. We have been very caught up in the goings on of Hope's Reach. You are always a welcome friend around our fire.

-Lok of Harbors Far.