Has anyone seen Arc?

Lanna Rose

Has anyone by chance seen Arc? He's is a Racoon Kin in the Cabal of the Mask. We haven't seen him since the gather before last.

Jadden is kind of having a melt down and would like to know if anyone has seen him.

Thank you.

Sapharia Ta'hor'i

Do you know if he is delicious?

Arc is safe. He is walking with my family in Icenia for the time being. The Gilded Claw will keep him safe. Chulainn and I will be returning to Barran shortly, he can come home with us if he likes.

We'll see you soon, Sapharia. Tell Jadden to breathe and drink some lavender-chamomile tea.

Sefid-in-training Rayna Satyrsbane