Has anyone seen Cho Ko Nu?


One of my pigeons is missing and Im pretty sure it was the one I used to send him a message, If anyone sees him, please tell him to send my bird back, preferably with a reply.

Deoman The Runner.
I believe he has gotten your message, though I can't be certain.
He has been rather busy lately.

Me get you pigeon and me respond when decision be made. Me be away from Hope's Reach all winter, so there be other things that me need look into first before me give answer.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader, Traders Guild of Roskaria
Owner of Cho Ko Nu's Games of Chance
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The answer be yes. We make terms after see how well you system work. Me want make good trade with you.

-Cho Ko Nu
The pigeon was delicious, but could you please use wax paper next time instead of parchment? It holds the juices in better.

I'm kidding of course.

I have seen Chokonu. He's a big barbarian guy. Kind of hard to miss. Keeps following me around and trading me endows for venison and furs.

I hope you found all this informative,
Hunter Davion
Now wait, last I checked, ChoKoNu doesn't move around a whole lot except for when required. Wouldn't it be better to say that you hover around him, rather then him following you, Davion?
Be best for make good trade if other come to me! You make sound like me lazy or something. Well, maybe after intoxicate or five, but that different.

Come to me if want make good trade!

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in Traders Guild of Roskaria