Have you seen?

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
My oh my, I ain't never seen such a sight. People saying ever where the Duchess goin some creatures goin with her. I don believe em then I sees fer meself. They's like fire or som'in. I'da steer clear if'n I was you. They give ya the eye!

Do they look like they are controlling her?

The Duchess is under a psuedo-house arrest. It was enacted while you were vacationing away from Horn's End for a gathering.

I am not sure, but I am guessing these are the creatures enforcing her... punishment.

-Squire Idris
Uh...Why is the Duchess under arrest? Oh, and Miss Janice? What do the creatures traveling with the Duchess look like? You said "like fire"...Are they literally made of fire, or simply on fire? However, if you don't feel comfortable going to look at them again, that's fine.


It's not 'arrest' as much as probation. I'll talk to you more during the gathering. Suffice to say, it was my fault. :) But I have an avenue to rectify it.

Sounds good. Will talk to you then :).

Why do all the fun things happen when I'm away.
I know, right?

Thanks for the explanation, Idris. If I'm allowed out of the hut, I'll make sure to find you at first opportunity.

And by "avenue to rectify it", Idris actually means "I'm going to get Ashnar to beat these things about the head and neck with his phallic like cudgel while I watch, salivate, and secretly wish I was him".

Ashnarous Rex of the Murder-Worthy Pants Club
Fluent Idrisian Interpreter
Close Ashnar, very close. Your translation was off though, remove 'secretly'. I don't think I'm fooling anyone.

-Squire Idris
I love you guys :p.