Haven't Been here in awhile, Might wanna learn something.



It's been awhile since I've come by these lands, the last time I was here there was the big 'I'm a corrupt but not really because I talk and I'm a giant burning bird guy how about that?' I don't we actually killed him cause I seem to remember hearing about how he was still around after we blew up that bigger than usual node thing.

Anyway I've been studying magic a lot since then and have been traveling again a bit lately and I was thinking I could come by next month and magic talk to someone about the 'This is the best circle of spells except for the even more better spells that come on unbreakable paper' level of the Earth magics. Really I just need to learn that 'Come back from being dead, everyone misses you' spell. But I guess to get that down you have to study the 'Look at all the earth magic I got, it just keeps coming' and the 'I need some quiet time please' spells.

I could probably help with stuff that is going on if people want while I'm in the area too, is there anything that's going on in the area now a days or were you the first guys to solve all of the problems?

The Occasionally wandering Turtlekin