headcount for tavern-Feb event!


Hey everyone,
Can everyone just quickly post if they are coming to the event (and will be eating at the tavern?)
Matt needs to know how much food to buy.
I will be coming and eating in the tavern. How much will it cost for the weekend?

I'll be there, and eating in the tavern. thanks!
Brigit and I will be eating tavern food.

I think their are 8 ppl coming down from TC..... err Traverse I know they don't check the boards as much.

There will be 7 of us coming from Traverse City. Don't quote me on it but as far as I know at least 5 of them will be eating tavern. The other two aren't regulars yet so I have no clue on them but I would assume they would be.
Thanks to Mr. Raif, I will be attending afterall, and eating in the tavern..
count me in as long as I can ditch the stomach flu by Friday. I am leaving late friday, so I will not be eating saturday breakfast or lunch, but dinner i am a go for. Do you do a meal friday night and sunday morn?? I can not remember.


P.s. anything I can bring to help out???
okay to answer questions:
Yes, there will be a vegitarian option for you guys.
No there will not be food on friday night or sunday morning. There will be snacks between meals and possibly left overs on sunday morning, but most people go out to eat after the event so there is usually no real need for sunday morning breakfast.
Take care,
well since I would only be there for dinner....go ahead and take me off the tavern list. Thank you!
