Healers Guild party

Bumped to remind people about the party. Please attend -- Heidi doesn't get out much because of her health so it means a lot to her. Call her at 570-420-5757 if you need more details.

This is our annual party for the Healers Guild, friends of the Healers Guild, nobility, Ashbury staff people, and invited guests. In other words, almost everyone.

This is a partially IG party but no one wears costumes. Alcohol is provided, but we'd appreciate it if you would bring your favorite drinks! Crash space is available!
I am sad I won't be able to make it. I work a 24hr shift that Saturday then a 12 hr shift Sunday night. Sad face. Say hi to Heidi and give her a hug for me please!
I should be free that day, as far as I know! I would run into trouble looking for a ride from and back to the West Chester area (less than an hour northwest of Philly.) Is anyone planning on traveling close by that area? I could help with a bit of gas money, and I'd very much appreciate it! :)
Ill be there as Grim of course. Susie I can prolly help with a ride.
Kyle you're so awesome! :D :D I'll let you know if anything comes up on my school schedule... but hopefully we can plan on going together, then? :D

I'm probably Grabbing Donna and kris there too. Should be entertaining. We'll work stuff out offline.
This was such a fun time! A million THANKS to Heidi and Mike! I had so much fun crashin at your place! :) (And thanks again for the carpool, Kyle!) I love you guys and it's so great every time I get to see you all! :D