Healer's Resolve

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ALRB p.136 said:
Healer’s Resolve
This High Magic ability grants the earth caster the ability to touch cast and heal 5 Body Points with each purchase of this ability at one target with a spell packet in hand.
Healer’s Resolve can be divided among more than one target, but the caster must touch cast one at a time, healing 5 points each time.
This ability works even when under a Silence effect. The proper verbal for Healer’s Resolve is “Heal 5 Body.”

There is some disagreement here about what exactly this means. The implication here is that by using Healer's Resolve the caster may simply heal 5 body points of damage, exactly as the wording states, which means that they may use this ability on any creature, including Undead and Golems. While I believe that the wording matches the intent here (otherwise Healer's Resolve is simply a glorified Cure Wounds) the word Heal can also be read to imply that it is Earth based healing, which is further supported by the the addendum clarification. Per the addendum, this is in the Healing effect group. However, other effects in the Healing group can be used to benefit Undead and Golems as well, such as Sanctuary, Earth Blade, and Antidote (though rare, Golems and Undead could be affected by something throwing "Magic Nausea", because they're immune to Poison, not Alteration).

What are you allowed to heal with "Heal 5 Body?"
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
As per the addendum, this ability comes from the Healing effect group. Thus, anything which is affected by the Healing effect group will be affected by Healer's Resolve.

This means that Undead will normally be damaged double (although as a touchcast ability this shouldn't come up much), and anything Immune to Healing will be unaffected by it.

-Bryan Gregory
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