Healing vs. "Suspected" Necromancy

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The following question assumes there's an actual rule, however, if this is potentially handled differently chapter-to-chapter, I'd be looking for an answer from a Seattle/Oregon Rules Marshal(s).

Zeth the Earth Caster suspects Mr. Evil Guy is under the effects of a Reverse Lifeforce, and that's just not cool. Zeth double-taps a CLW/CLW combo, and waits for the result.

Unbeknownst to the brave and handsome Raccoon-kin, Mr. Evil Guy is not under the effects of a Reverse Lifeforce. Does he call...

"Taken!" which could actually mean that he was either healed or hurt, or "No effect!" as he was healed, but not damaged?

Furthermore, could that cuddly, adorable, Chaos-Smashing raccoon-kin simply ask Mr. Evil Guy 1 if any negative effects took place/damage was taken?

Also, in the case of a non-damaging spell, such as Purify (against Undead), would I be able to ask if the creature took it like a Drain?
I've seen conflicting things, so I'd look for a Seattle/Oregon marshal to tell you how it's played there. Many places I've played have the person taking the effect saying "Got it" or "Taken" and then RPing the effect itself.

Easiest thing to do is check for a metabolism, if they're undead or under the effects of a reverse life force the OOG Q&A will sound like this: "Healing Arts, do you have a metabolism?" "No effect" or "No." (Healing Arts only work on the standard metabolism.)

(Marshal, Catskills and San Francisco)
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In either case, the Evil Guy should either call "Taken" or not call anything. No Effect implies that nothing happens, and a Healing spell on a living person would haven an effect. Long story short, your way won't necessarily tell you anything. You could try poisons, or Healing Arts, or a handful of other "No metabolism" tells.

Seattle Marshal
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To be clear, Pg 63 under Healing Arts:

These out-of-game questions can only include
the following: How many Body Points
are you down? Were you damaged by edged
weapons or claws? Were you damaged by blunt
weapons? Were you waylaid? Are you diseased?
Are you sleeping? Are you terrorized?
Are you paralyzed? Are you drained? Are you
regenerating? Are you unconscious (at zero
body)? Are you dying (at -1 body)? Are you
dead (need a Life spell)? How much time until
you <wake up, become conscious, stop being
terrorized, become unparalyzed, die, resurrect>?

ASF Marshal
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