Mike Ventrella
As most of you know, Heidi has been fighting cancer for years; most of her upper arm has been removed and because of that, lymphodemia sets in often and she has to use this machine to keep her arm from swelling up and so on. (That's why she's mostly a page at events -- please understand that is why Zat does not go out on the field and always asks people to bring those in need of healing to her instead).
Anyway, every once in a while it flares up and turns all red and infected and it burns and hurts, and when that happens we have to rush her to the hospital where they pump her full of anti-biotics until the right one works. Apparently it's not the same one every time because this is the third time we've had to do this this year and the ones they used last time didn't work this time.
Anyway, she always appreciates reading "get well" comments from people when she returns.
Anyway, every once in a while it flares up and turns all red and infected and it burns and hurts, and when that happens we have to rush her to the hospital where they pump her full of anti-biotics until the right one works. Apparently it's not the same one every time because this is the third time we've had to do this this year and the ones they used last time didn't work this time.
Anyway, she always appreciates reading "get well" comments from people when she returns.