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Greetings from the East Coast.

My name is Brent and for those of you who went to Moria and the ToC I was the mukti personality Similquin. Anyway I am planning on attending yiour February event with a friend who will be coming as well. We will be arriveing on the 17th and departing on the 21st. I know that this is a ways off but would like to start coordinating with anyone willing to help us find ahotel/place to stay and transportation to and from the site. I've been told flying into Portland would be best so I will book the flight as such and let people know my arrival times when that is done.

Thanks all

Brent AKA Sheverin Tong-Xi Tavern Keeper of Calderia(Nero Mass)
Actually, Seattle-Tacoma Int'l airport is a better place to fly in; it's closer to most of us and much closer to the site.

I'll second that. Sea-Tac is *much* closer to our game-site....like 100 miles (or more) closer.

That's a neat trick, since PDX is only like 100 miles from game site as is :D

I would say that depending on who you get to help you with rides/place to stay, that should be the deciding factor on where to fly into.

Solomon Maxondaerth said:
That's a neat trick, since PDX is only like 100 miles from game site as is :D

I would say that depending on who you get to help you with rides/place to stay, that should be the deciding factor on where to fly into.


How do you figure? I *know* Olympia, and I know that Portland is farther off than *just* 100 miles. I also know that Sea_Tac is less than 50 miles to Oly, too. Benefits of growing up there, I guess.

World traveler, and northwest native.
Well obviously we are all excited about having you visit and are clamoring to have you stay with us!

Jeff has the right of it, you should fly into wherever is nearest to who you are staying with. Also, one may be cheaper than other- another factor to look at.

As for the distances, it appears that Miller is about 100 miles from PDX and it is a little over 60 from SeaTac, at least according to MapQuest.

PDX to Miller: 105.97 miles
Seatac to Miller: 61.64 miles

Either way, they are both a whole lot closer than the East Coast! We can't wait to have you out for a visit and I can vouch that whichever airport you fly into we can find wonderful and hospitable hosts for you and yours to stay with and get to the event with, and probably hook you up with boffers and such too.

Now I really should be doing those last minute before the event things. :)

(September, not February... ah to be that organized!)

Like Jim said, Miller is off exit 95 (which means 95 miles from Oregon border) and PDX is about ten miles or less from that. Maybe it's just cause you go like Mach 2.5 on your bike skews distances hee hee hee.

Hey all

Well as it is right now the cost for either airport is the same. So I guess we go for the closer,,,Sea-Tac. I thank everyone for their help and enthusiasm I can't wait to get out there. I enjoyed RPing with those who went to Moria and look forward to meeting many new Nero Friends. I can afford a hotel so it isn't really necessary for us to stay with someone unless you really really want us too. Sheverin is a healer/Celestial caster so I won't need a boffet but Lindsay plays a horse scavenger adept an if she can't pack her boffers she will need to borrow some. We can deal with these things as we get closer to the event.

Again Tanks All

Let us know what boffers you need ahead of time and what your weight preference is (heavy or light) and we'll have em.
Just letting you all know

There may be 3 of us from good ole NH arriving in Feb. We are still planning to all come and PC!

I'll be at the February event; I look forward to seeing you there!

I'd offer you a place to stay, but I'm from Southern California. =p

Take care,

Polare's Lacky/Apprentice
And Proudest Monkey