Hello everyone

So I was watching Monster Camp with my roommates and seeing a lot of people that I recognized and was really starting to miss Nero in general. One conversation lead to another and I came to find out that my roommates used to do a lot of boffering on their own. After several stories of my best memories from Nero.

Long story short, we want to play again. I don't know if Izlude still exists since its been several years but I really want to bring him back. And my roommates are definitely excited to make their own characters.

So I had a few questions:
1. Where can we get a copy of the rule book or is it available as a PDF? If not, don't take this as a request for pirating somthing but rather I really dont know if it is still somthing that we HAVE to pay for.

2. When is the next event planned for the silverton area? We live in Salem so that is really close for us.

3. Anyone that remembers me still play? :p

Hope to hear some good news, thanks for reading!
Since half of plot drives up to Goldendale for the events, and a number of PCs come up from Eugene, surely you can make it from Salem. :)

And yeah, we remember you.... oh how we remember you. MWuahahahaha.