Hello friends


Gretting to all my good friends.
I find myself in need to ask a favor. Due to an unfortunate misshap recently in Wayside i find myself in serious need of a Racial Transformation scroll.
So i am asking if any might have one they would be willing to sell and i would really like to buy it.

Thank you for your time.
Sorry Tets! I didn't mean to burn off your brambles...

~ Silp
Its not your fault. I shouldnt have died in the first place.
Brambles? Are you a Child of Autumn? I don't know of any Racial Transformation scrolls off the top of my head, but I can try to help you find one if you're going to be around this weekend.

Briar of First Forest
I am not, i was once a kin and am now human.
He was a pokey porcupine with pokey hair spikes, but I accidentally burned off his pokeys. I'm not very good at resurrecting people.

I'll try to find you a paper that'll bring your pokeys back, Tets!

~ Silp
Wait, Tets? It must be a little over 2 years since you're last in Gaden...I don't think I could even cast an 8th level spell by that point. It'll be an honor to see the true Staff Master back in these lands.

It will be nice to see you again to Asher.