


Greetings and salutations!

I am Raphael, a wanderer from Stonehaven. I'll be coming up through the mists in around a week time. My normal travel companions will be abstaining from this arduous journey, and I am seeking housing for several days of my journey.

I believe I have met several of your before, and look forward to tales of wonderment between us again.

Priveto mi morê,

Thrice in the last week mi famila has sought out places to stay, and so we will bring the vardo into town and make camp. You, as well as the others, are welcome to our hospitality should you seek it. The members of the local tribe are few, but with the addition of yourself, Nigel, and our Rai, there will be plenty to fill our camp with merriment. When will you arrive? I will endeavor to Invest you in our Wards. Bring your favorite tapestries and wine, and our spirits will not feel the cold weather.

~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi
Bandoleer of the Laetshi
Ah, excellent, excellent!

As I will be travelling without a mount or other such beast of burden, I will be light of my personal items. Besides, my Fiancee GiGi is busy redecorating our Vardo back home and wouldn't let me take any of the good pillows. But I will endeavor to pick up a bottle or two of the local spirits and tuck away one of my lighter tapestries before she sees me with it.

I hope to arrive at the crossroads by 8 the evening of Friday. I might be a tad later if I am unable to find a suitable shop for supplies.

Gratefully yours,

Nigel Peaks