
Hi,my name is Joel Mathis. I'm new to alliance, not new to LARPing, but new to alliance. I was thinking about playing a High Ogre, is there anything specific I should know about them?
Welcome! The rulebook has a fairly good introduction into the fundamentals you need to play any race in the game, but for local history, tribe names, stuff like that contact the home chapter where you plan to start playing/are going to base your character out of. Each chapter has a racial packet made up for each race with details specific to that chapter.
Yeah, the race packet will help a lot. Usually they make for pretty good reading as well.
And I hope you like lots of makeup. :) High Ogre's are pretty sweet/cool though in my opinion.
Which chapter do you think you'd be attending? (Or where are you if you're not sure) The OOG forum for the chapter you're planning on playing is a good place to start, but you'd also want to read the race description from the rulebook, most questions people have about the races are answered there. :)
Dreamingfurther said:
And I hope you like lots of makeup. :) High Ogre's are pretty sweet/cool though in my opinion.

:lol: less than you dark elves!! plus we gets sweet tusks!!

but best thing to know about High Ogres...NECRO = BAD!!

-Matt K.
Yeah, I was able to get a hold of a rulebook from one of my friends for a little bit.....never would've guessed that thing about fruit though.....
well my opinion comes from being a high Ogre,

Go for it !
They are very cool and fun to play, especially if you have a concept and stick to it. Yes the makeup/prosthetics can be a hassle, but imho its so worth it. I enjoy it very much. with all its disadvantages. And like when i first created him, they are pretty rare as a PC race. so that adds coolness to it. I don't really like the way they are written in the new book, but it is what it is. I personally have not seen a race packett for them in over a decade, but would love to take a look at the national packet, as there is not a local one.
My first alliance event was this past weekend and it was really cool. Playing my high ogre was fun, even though the mosterous fea bear came into town right after I finished a glass of fruit juice. but i just went into bleeding. anyway, it was worth it in my opinion. I'll definately be going back. Playing him is cool.....too bad there were no barbarians of high orcs though......
Excellent, Alway good to hear someone had fun at an event, even better when its the first event, even better when they played a high ogre.

good to have another high ogre in the world. We should hold a all alliance ogre gathering one of these days.
Joel Mathis said:
My first alliance event was this past weekend and it was really cool. Playing my high ogre was fun, even though the mosterous fea bear came into town right after I finished a glass of fruit juice. but i just went into bleeding. anyway, it was worth it in my opinion. I'll definately be going back. Playing him is cool.....too bad there were no barbarians of high orcs though......


What chapter do you play? Out here in the midwest, there are a handful of barbarians. There's a group of high orcs too (1 or 2 per chapter)...

Rob Sachs
High Orc Enthusiast
I play in Ohio. They did a good job with plot and everything. Even though I was new with a bunch of new people, we kinda just fit right in......other than me being the only high ogre in Alliance Ohio, apparentally.......
Joel Mathis said:
I play in Ohio. They did a good job with plot and everything. Even though I was new with a bunch of new people, we kinda just fit right in......other than me being the only high ogre in Alliance Ohio, apparentally.......

I may be headed out that way in June... so you may get to see a high orc soon enough!
That would be except that-due to travel plans- I cannot make it to another event until August. lol.