Help fer Old Hearth

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Uh, hai.

My naime's Obe - waell, it's Obediah, butcha can call me Obe - and waell, I heard you 'venturin' folks're the folks ta ask fer 'help if'n things ever get messy, an' right naow, things're gettin' messy o'er in Ol' Hearth. Wish I could say it was the first taime fer that, but oh waell. Anywho, dhem silver-lovin' ghosts've pretty much drained the town dry fer coin, an' dhem zombies keep a'comin' naight after naight to go after the folks that didn't pay up that day. Most folks've just started barricadin' their houses and hidin' under the bed at naight, hopin' they won't get attacked! Meetin' dhem spectres dhemselves ain't half bad - talk real nice, always real polite, big on music, and wouldn't be a problem if they didn't have those zombies workin' for 'em.

Anywho, I was out huntin' fer deer the other night, an' I came 'pon swhere I think them spectres live! There's an ol' shack, way out in the woods on the outskirt of taown, and I heard the voices of da t'ree of dhem singin' an' playin' dheir instruments comin' from inside! First time anyone's ever seen 'em make camp anywhere, all the time they've been pokin' around, and I figure it's worth pokin' around in dhere ta see what we can find out. Maybe we can find out what dheir deal is, maybe we can get some silver dhey stole back fer dhe taown, maybe we can kill 'em fer good, I dunno. Sure, I can hunt deer, but I ain't no great shakes at confrontin' music-lovin' ghosts, an' I was hopin' y'all maight be 'vailable fer doin' what y'all do so waell.

Waell dhat's 'bout it, I 'spose. Lemme know if ya wanna help - I'll come 'round y'all's tavern 'bout 2 o'clock in dhe afternoon on Saturday, an' anyone dhat wants ta join in checkin' da place out can come with me.

See y'all soon,
Obe Clemmons
Hey y'all,

Waell, I ain't sure whatcha done, but dhem spectres seem to've faound green'r pastures, 'cause we ain't seen hide nor hair of 'em or dheir zombie cronies in almost two weeks! Looks like things're settlin' down in Ol' Hearth, at least 'til the naext problem fer us rolls in, I suppose. Prolly just a matter o' time, knowin' our luck.

But, thanks fer yer help! Couldn't've done it without ya, and Ol' Hearth is safer now thanks to y'all!

- Obe Clemmons