Help Needed, Kitchen


Help Needed

I need help with the food.
I am looking for a person or group that is willing to take on the responsibility of one meal for each game (2 meals for the castle game)

I am going to burn out if my load isn't lightened.

Responsibilities would include:
  • preparation
  • Serving
  • clean up

Responsibilities could Include:
  • Meal Planning
  • Shopping

Benefits will include, My eternal gratitude, Goblin stamps, coin from meal tips, And the Gruntled Dwarf not getting Disgruntled
Well, do you have a CMA character?
If yes, hit the link and it’ll take you through the steps.
You coming to the July game?
Would like to see you in August Rathfall events
Looks like Pre-reg isn't open for the upcoming events, but when it is that should open things up.

We're also pretty active on Discord with questions and help more than the forums.